Chapter 17

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The night provided much needed rest for everyone, some got more than others did but any amount was appreciated. Opie ended up spending the night at the clubhouse, he knew Mae hated it but not only did he want to annoy her but they needed some space. The next morning he bumbled in the house, Mae was at the table with coffee and the paper. She didn't look up. Her mind had been swirling since David called her before bed, she was in a panic but remained reserved on the outside.

"Morning," he grumbled. She simply nodded, eyes locked on whatever article she was pretending to read. He stood over her for a moment before she looked up, unable to ignore him any longer.

"Do I have to ask?" She closed the paper and looked him in the eye. Mae didn't know if he realized why she hated him staying there. No wife would like it but for her it was a constant Lyla reminder. Kicking his chair out from the table Opie sat across from her and shook his head.

"I was alone, except for a bottle of tequila."

"I just needed to hear you say it. I didn't think you'd do that again." Mae was visibly softening, her body relaxed and her eyes warmed at she looked at him. It was usually so hard to stay mad at Opie, especially when he was doing something for her, standing up for her. He had been raised in such a strange way that made violence his norm, she tended to forget that. Opie may have gone about it all wrong but all she could see in his eyes why he did it; it all came from a loving place. "I'm sorry I flipped out, I've got so much on my mind I just snapped." Reaching across the table, she took his hand. "I think about losing you every day. I don't know what I would do without you. Harry, Kenny and Ellie need their dad and I need you too. I see those inmates, how miserable they are and I know it would be worse for you. You need to be more careful and get your temper in check. That guy didn't deserve what I'm sure you gave him. That anger will destroy you and us."

As he ran the rough pad of his thumb over her knuckles, he hung his head. It had to be her training, her intuitive and empathetic way and the precise wording of things that made her feelings so clear and made him feel like utter garbage. "There's been enough shit ruined already."

"Exactly." Mae wanted to tell him about Hale but she was terrified of shattering their calm, open moment. "I spoke to David last night," instantly he looked furious. "He called me about Stahl." She jumped right to it before the courage disappeared; she knew it had to come out. "I wanted to take care of her, I didn't want to give you another thing to stress over, Ope. She approached me at work, I went to my boss and Dave. She said wasn't here for you so I was kind of biding my time until I could figure out how to fix it. I didn't know she got a warrant, I should have come to you first, Ope, I'm sorry."

"You knew? She talked to you?" Mae's lie seemed, for the moment, insignificant compared to the fact that Stahl had approached her. "What did she say?"

"Well," Mae stuttered nervously, she hated when he was cross with her. "The first time I found her in my office, said it was a mistake then she just fucked with me. I didn't realize it then that she was playing, made comments about the picture on my desk of the four of us, shit about my coloring." He already knew what that meant; Stahl had been using that to get at both of them. Opie was fuming, his top lip twitched as she continued. "The second time I saw her ID, I knew exactly who she was. I called her a bitch and went right to my boss. He said the guys she was talking to in Stockton had no club ties. I just wanted to help you but I made it worse."

"Next time," he said slowly with a menacing look about him, "You tell me."

"I was wrong, I know that but I got good intel from Dave last night. You need to find that guy you beat, Stahl is looking for him and I don't think it'll take her long." Mae wanted to make it up to Opie but she feared it would take more than that.

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