Chapter 25

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Opie rushed into the waiting room to see Mae with her head between her knees on the verge of tears. "Mae," he skidded to a stop beside her, crouched down. "What's going on?"

"They won't let me back with her, I'm not her mom." The words hurt to say for many reasons. "They said you had to give permission for me to go back."

"This is bullshit," he roared and headed toward the reception desk. His large hand extended out as he jabbed his finger in the woman's face. "Let me and my wife back to see OUR daughter." Sneaking beside him Mae put a calming hand on his arm and shook her head.

"Calm down, Ope."

It made her uncomfortable, not only was she upset about not being able to see Ellie but the entire mother topic was very touchy and awkward for Mae. She was always a bit reserved, in a way, around the children, she felt as if she couldn't show affection the way she wished to or truly discipline and parent them for fear of disrespecting Donna or overstepping her bounds. The fact was, Mae was not their mom. She never wanted them to think she was trying to replace Donna, that was impossible, and she didn't want to even if she could. It was tricky, emotionally confusing and bringing it to the forefront was agonizing for her. She was lucky though, if Mae's entrance into their lives hadn't been so uplifting and positive for the kids she may have had a much harder time with them in regards to joining the family. Working with them built a pleasant, trusting relationship that she couldn't have fostered any other way. Mae refused to do anything to threaten the happy home they had built.

"Sir, please," the receptionist looked anxious as she scanned the computer for Ellie's room number. "She's back in the ER through those doors, room forty-seven."

"We'll take care of this." He mumbled, taking Mae's hand and bursting through the steel double doors. "I'll call Lowen, get this shit handled. I don't want this ever happening again, you're the only mom they have and you should have been back here."

"Where were you?" Stepping aside the entire topic Mae looked at him with concerned clouding her usually bright eyes. "I called you."

"No phone, I left it by the TV. I'm sorry." He kissed the back of her hand as he pushed the door open with his dirty old boot. "Ellie, baby." Instantly he was by his daughter's side and Mae stood by the foot of the bed watching with a peaceful smile.

"When can we go home?" The girl sniffled between each word as she cuddled close to her father.

"Soon baby, Mae's going talk to the doctor then we'll get you home." Opie looked at his wife and she nodded in agreement. "Pizza and movies tonight, how's that sound?" She seemed to perk up at the idea and Mae moved closer to give her cheek a light kiss.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be back here with you." Mae said sadly. "I wanted to be, I was in the waiting room but they said I had to wait for your dad. It won't happen again though."

"It's okay," the girl said with a deep frown. "The nurse lady told me. I just want to leave. I hate it here."

That was Mae's cue, she slipped out to search for a doctor, any doctor really, but she hoped it ended up being Tara she spoke with about discharging the little girl.


When Chibs arrived back at TM the lot was practically empty, or so it felt. He sat on his Harley, still hot and vibrating from the long ride, for a moment before swinging his leg over. Twisting his back, a few loud cracks relieved the tension the day had already built. Clay came rushing out of the clubhouse toward him, Chibs looked around him for the source of Clay's menacing scowl but there was no one.

"Boss, everything okay?"

"Where's Jax?" His watchmoved up and down his arm as he waved his hand around. "Half my club is missing!"

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