Chapter 28

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Stahl had four choices, all provided their own weaknesses and strengths to be manipulated and used. She had settled on Chibs, he had an Irish connection so that would be catching two little jailbirds with one stone. With his file under her arm, Stahl reached for the handle into his interrogation room with a toothy grin. "Filip Telford." She slapped the folder down on the table. "Cigarette?" She slid a fresh pack and a book of matches across the table.

"Aye, thanks." Taking one, he tapped it nicotine side down, on the table but didn't light it. "You're loving this aren't you?" As he smirked, Lowen leaned over and whispered something to him knowing he wouldn't listen.

She was, the bright smile and energy vibrating off her way enough to show them how she felt about the particular situation. "I really am shocked. It seems sloppy of the illustrious Sons of Anarchy to be picked up in a known hot spot for drugs and prostitution. What went wrong, two crews after the same drug dealer?"

"Wrong place, wrong time," was all he said before lighting the cigarette. "Don't know who any of the other guys were."

"The dead man, Jarod Lotto Anderson, had some peculiar wounds. Is that why you went after him with those guns? Those illegal guns I should say. I wonder how far they've traveled, maybe from the Emerald Isle?" Her words were heavy with attitude. "Was the piece of shit dealer the one Opie Winston went after? Was this all about protecting a brother?"

That was it. Chibs was shutting down. "Charge me or shut it." Lowen whispered again but Chibs hardly listened. Any questioning was only going to get them in more trouble. "My attorney says I shouldn't say anymore," he smirked.

"I didn't come here for you," Stahl said quietly. "SAMCRO is small time, it just so happens my digging into the IRA lead me right back here." Punctuating the last three words with taps of her fingernail, she smiled. "You can help me and yourself. I know what happened with Jimmy O." Reaching across the table, she ghosted her hand over his right cheek, up and down the scar before Chibs slapped her away. "I'm sorry." Her pride and confidence were wounded by the unexpected response, she should have known though. "I shouldn't have mentioned it. It's not my place and I'm sure the memory of having your family taken away is painful."

"This is done," Lowen snapped.

"Bitch, you don't know shite about my family." It was low growl that the women could swear they felt roll through the room.

"I do, Filip." She nodded. "You give me the IRA, you and your brothers can walk."

"I'm not signing shite."

"You're harassing my client." Lowen was going to let this go as far as she could and use every single word against Stahl but Chibs was getting too angry. "This is done."

Stahl's lips turned into a Grinch like smirk before gathering her paperwork and heading out into the hallway. She would have to let Telford simmer and go back when Lowen wasn't around to see what buttons she could press. Making her way down to Jax, Stahl was stopped right in her tracks.

"Excuse me, Agent?"

Drawing her head back with surprise Stahl glared at the stranger. "Yes?"

"Here you go." Handing her four thin, blue folder bound agreements typed and signed, he pointed to Chibs through the window. "These are the deals you'll be offering the Sons members you have in custody right now."

She laughed, a smug cackle and cocked an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, I have four violent felons caught while in commission of a crime where illegal firearms were discharged. You really think I'll be offering these guys any deals?"

"I don't think, I know. There's much more going on above your head agent."


"The CIA, the Sons of Anarchy are of importance to us and we need them out. You're lucky the crime was so public or they'd be walking out of here today. They'll do sometime, no information needed."

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