Chapter 16

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"Tig." Tara called down the hall in hopes of catching him before he exited the building. He was going for yet another cigarette, she was sure of that much. "I have her preliminary blood work done." His boots squeaked on the linoleum as he turned toward her.

"Well?" Jogging back up the hall, he looked terrified. "What's it say? Is she all right?"

"She's okay. The pill bottles Gem gave me, those medications were not in her system, not a trace." As if the numbers meant anything to Tig, she handed him the report. "There was some THC, not surprising, and a stimulant we're just not sure which."

Tig looked confused and even more afraid than before. "She was never really was into drugs, weed but that was never a problem. Would a stimulant do that?" He pointed off in the direction of her room and sighed as Tara nodded.

"Especially with her history of mental illness and if she didn't know she was taking it her anxiety would only exacerbate the symptoms." Confusion clouded his face; it seemed so ridiculous that a pharmacy could make such an egregious mistake. "Unless you think she did know. Her behavior though and willingness to be treated and tested make me think she doesn't."

This, compounded with everything else, made Tig's head spin. "You think someone drugged her?"

"I don't know but her blood work doesn't tell the same story she's telling us. I don't think Juice would do that and pharmacies can make mistakes but it's rare. Whatever the stimulant is, it's slowly built up in her system and turned into this. My only question is why whatever the drug is, looks just like her prescription meant to. That is shady and something to look at very carefully."

Although Tara didn't mean some giant conspiracy that was exactly where Tig's mind went. Sure, she was suspicious but there were many different avenues to take first.

His head was swirling with questions and suspects. "Call Jax, tell him what you told me."

"Where are you going?" She moved quickly after him knowing that letting him run off alone would be dangerous. "You should stay with Meels."

"Juice is here," Tig had never been so happy to see him. Had he known what went down he may have been less willing to allow the visit but all he wanted to do now was find out who hurt Amelia. "Hey," he grabbed Juice as soon as they met in the lobby. "I need you to stay with Meels, I got some shit to do."

With his mouth agape Juice nodded, there was no way Tig knew he purposely ignored the calls. "Is everything okay?" The request would work in his favor with Jax at least.

"Tara can get you up to speed. I got business to handle."


"Hey Ma," Jax kissed Gemma's cheek while his eyes scanned the room. "Is Clay here?" She nodded and gestured out into the living room.

"How's Amelia?" Gripping his cut to keep him in the kitchen, she lowered her voice. "Any test results?"

"Yeah, Tara called me. Surprised you're asking." He gave her a questioning look and shook his leather from her hand, purposely not answering her question. "You all right?" He could see in her eyes she was upset but she brushed off his inquiry.

Her suspicions were just that, suspicions she hadn't confirmed yet, so until then she would keep them to herself. If Clay was innocent she'd never forgive herself for getting him in such trouble and admitting her own distrust. "I just want her back to normal; too much shit is already going on without having to add that. She'll be okay?"

"Yeah, she'll be fine. I gotta talk to Clay," he kissed her cheek again before leaving her in the kitchen. The warrant, Stahl and now Amelia, they had more fires to put out than usual but that worked in Clay's favor. They'd be so distracted hopefully they'd overlook the obvious. They greeted each other heartily before sitting and huddling close to keep Gemma's interested ears from hearing much of anything. Jax first told him about Stahl and church the next morning then he relayed the story of Amelia, Clay's look of concern was convincing.

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