Chapter 13

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"This is such bullshit." Opie growled as she pointed out the blood drops on his forearm and the smears on the improvised weapon he had missed before she came up on them. "Accident on a tow, that's it." They all knew enough of Stahl's desperation and were expecting to be hauled off but it was clear this woman was taking every precaution. A little blood couldn't get any of them charged, she needed a victim, dead or alive.

With an evil smirk, Stahl nodded while examining the crowbar with wide, excited eyes. "I wonder if we'll find some dead bodies in Charming."

Eglee put her head down while her professional standards battled the sympathy she felt for the club. "I'll take this back," she said with a frown.

"Call the local hospitals too while you're at all. Let's see if we have any injuries consistent with a crowbar beating."

"What do you want from us?" Clay sneered, he could feel the tension rise exponentially behind him. "I'd think maybe you might need a good lay, but you got that stick shoved so far up your ass I can't see you wanting much more."

Stahl laughed, a lighthearted sigh escaping her lips as she looked from Clay to Jax then Opie. "I'll never understand what your women see in you. You're animals." Pulling her cuffs from the back of her belt, she winked at Opie and, sure to have two large deputies behind her, Stahl curled her index finger. "You're not under arrest but after your display earlier I don't think I feel totally safe with you."

"What? You've gotta be out of your mind." Opie had been holding it, of course she's question him but no one doubted she figured she could pick him apart.

"Bro," Jax said in a warning tone. "Go talk to her, she's got shit." Lowering his voice Jax turned away from Stahl. "I'm heading to Saint Thomas anyway; I'll talk to Eglee while I'm out."

It was clear in his eyes that Opie was scared, the idea of prison was horrifying enough but everything he'd be leaving behind was even worse. There was a small part of him, even if he wouldn't admit it, that didn't feel right leaving Mae unprotected. Maybe he'd never fully forgive or get over what happened with Jax trying to kill Hale.


Mae didn't take Dave's advice, she turned down the street but before she could skid into the lot she saw the cluster of police cars. Instead of parking she slowly rolled by but there was too much hustle too see anything, all she knew was that the warrant had certainly been served. Her stomach turned, she swore she was going to be sick as she sped away toward the police station. No wonder Ope didn't answer when she tried to call, he was too busy being searched. The only solace came from knowing, 99 percent of the time, the clubhouse was clean.

With the intense need to protect her family Mae stormed into the building and straight down the hall to Hale's office. "Did you find out anything?" While she made no effort to hide herself from anyone in the bullpen, at least Mae waited to speak until the door closed.

"It's a damn stretch." From under the large desk calendar, Dave pulled the copy of the warrant and handed it to her. "She has surveillance photos of them meeting with two known IRA contacts and but really she got it because of this." It was a seemingly innocuous photo showing oil drums on the lot, the next picture was of the club transporting said drums over state lines. "That's a felony," he crossed his arms over his chest.

Mae laughed as she flipped between the photos. "This? This is what she got a warrant for?" Suddenly her fear became more manageable, Mae smiled and handed the pictures back. "This is good right?"

"Unless she finds those barrels," Dave hid the pictures again. "It's not oil in there, is it?"

"Of course it is," she smiled innocently knowing Stahl wouldn'tfind the barrels. "So you think this is a bunch of bull?"

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