Chapter 29

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The three of them arrived back at Opie and Mae's within an hour; Lowen was waiting in her car patiently when Opie pulled up. Lowen was able to use the time to schedule a meeting with Amelia, she had a message for the youngest Trager girl as well for Opie. He couldn't just run even after Clay said to, goodbyes were longer during the difficult times. As Mae brought the kids back from next door and put them to bed, Opie and Lowen sat awkwardly at the dining room table. He hadn't had much to do with her and back when he was on trial, Rosen was their main attorney. He didn't start to speak; his eyes followed the sound of footsteps above them.

"My secretary said this was about your children?"

"Yeah," he finally made eye contact with her. "Ellie got hurt and they wouldn't let Mae go back with her in the ER. I don't need that kind of trouble and if something happens to me I want to be sure Mae is the one raising those kids. She is their mom now, you know?" It was one of the smartest and most rationale things she had ever heard from a member of the club.

"That's a very intelligent move. Mostly it's filing motions but the family court judge may want to speak to the kids since they're a bit older, not toddlers. Do they like her?"

Opie smiled, they loved Mae and those kids were the reason he ever had the chance with her. "Yeah, they do."

"That's great," she said with a sympathetic smile. Lowen had heard all about what happened to Donna; it was a terrible situation for those children. "There's lots of paperwork but before we get into that and before your wife comes to join us, I have a message from Jax for you." She slid a folded piece of paper from her jacket pocket across the table. "I did not give that to you, Opie."

"Of course," he took it and hid it away knowing she wanted it as far from her as possible. Lowen was always willing to help, she liked the members personally and they certainly made her good money but she didn't like risking herself for them. Opie was grateful for her help; lawyers like her and Rosen were few and far between. "Did he say anything?"

"He only wants you to pick up his bike from impound, he said not to take any of the guys either. They didn't search it, I don't know why but none of the guys' bikes were touched and the cartel's van wasn't either. He just said to keep it quiet, no one else is supposed to know about that note either. Jax was adamant about you being in control, he specified in control."

Mae popped down the steps with a crooked smile and joined them at the table. There really wasn't much to discuss, the real reason for the private meeting had already passed between them and the rest was straightforward. After a general overview of the process and some paperwork that they had to fill out, Lowen left the couple alone. As soon as she drove off and her lights were no longer visible, Opie pulled the folded note from his pocket. He read it once and then again and a third time while Mae watched keenly, she wanted to know what was going on. "Shit."

"What? What is that?" She took the note as soon as he offered it to her and read it slowly. "So what does this mean? Clay did dose Amelia?" Jax wasn't overly descriptive of anything in what he wrote, that was too risky, and they already discussed at length what they would do with the proof.

Opie nodded and began to laugh with relief and actual joy. "That dealer I went after, he was one that sold Clay the pills he used on Amelia and Jax just let me know exactly where the evidence is."

"Holy shit, guess they both thought they were being sneaky. Where did Jax stash it?"

"He told Lowen he only wanted me to know when and where to get their bikes. It's gotta be there."

Her eyes scanned Jax's hasty writing again. "And you're taking it to Clay, not the table? Baby, that's dangerous."

"No, it's not, for the first time in years we'll all be safer. Clay was the real goddamn threat and I'm about to take him apart."

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