Chapter 24

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Mae tried unsuccessfully to call Opie repeatedly as she drove like a maniac to the hospital. She kept telling herself it wasn't too seriously but stitches and an ambulance ride was serious enough to give her heart palpitations. Unless they were fighting or he was really in the middle of it with club business, he always answered for her. Leaving him a detailed message, to keep him from overreacting she chose her words carefully but her voice allowed the seriousness to show.

"Please, Ope," she said as the automatic double doors opened for her. "I don't know what you're doing and I hope you're okay, just get to Saint Thomas." Hurrying to the information desk Mae was out of breath and short but far she tried to be polite. "Ellie Winston," she said quickly. "She was brought in from the elementary school, she fell. I need to know what room she's in."

"And you are?" The woman asked, glaring over her glasses.

"Mae Winston, the school called me."

"I'm sorry, you can't see her. We only allow parents and legal guardians." The information from the school told the receptionist that Mae was Opie's wife, but not Ellie's mother.

"Wait, you have to let me go back with her." Mae pleaded as she listened to what she knew was Ellie crying while the elderly and incredibly rude woman at reception kept refusing her admittance. "She's scared, I can hear her. Please."

Mae was the one to pick up the kids from school when they were sick and when the worst happened, like this. Opie had signed all the forms giving her the rights and privileges to pickups, meetings and calls, he hadn't been very good with those things and Mae absolutely loved being so involved. That only made arriving at St. Thomas and being barred from seeing Ellie all the more maddening and heartbreaking.

"You're not her mother." The woman snapped cattily.

"I'm her step-mother. Her mom died a few years ago."

"Are you a legal guardian?" The receptionist was already dialing Opie's cell phone number from the emergency contact form given to her by the school.

"Well, no." Mae was furious, her tiny hands balled into fists on the counter. "Dr. Tara Knowles," she said quickly. How could she forget? "She's a family friend, she'll tell you. I'm on that paper too," Mae pointed to her name beside Opie's.

"Unless you are her legal guardian, I can't let you back there, it's against the law."

Some people in Charming didn't feel exactly the way most did about SAMCRO. While Gemma, Tara, Mae and Amelia were always treated kindly, some citizens, hated the MC, their women and what they stood for. Apparently, this woman knew enough of the club to see the Winston family name and know exactly who they were.

"My husband is going to be very upset." Trying to intimidate or use Opie to get her way wasn't something Mae had ever done but she wasn't sure what else she could do.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that but legally there is nothing I can do."

"Can you page Dr. Knowles? I'd like her to see to Ellie at least."

"She's in surgery." The woman said abruptly. "When your husband gets here and if he allows it, you can go back and see your step-daughter."

"This is insane," Mae huffed. She thought to call Hale for a moment, he was a cop and surely he'd be able to at least get Mae an update but she knew not only would Opie be furious but she'd only be using Dave and that wasn't who she wanted to be. Reluctantly she took a seat in the waiting room, her eyes glued to the door, hoping Opie would arrive soon.


"He's a pussy." Chibs laughed as he sat beside Jax on the bench, Opie lingered behind them, out of sight. "I don't think he'll be a problem."

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