Chapter 18

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"Shit," Amelia hadn't heard any of the test results until that morning. She was shocked and terrified by what Tara was telling her. Thankfully, Mae had come around to visit with fresh coffee and pastries and provide some emotional support. She'd only chosen to visit right then knowing the guys were all at church, she wouldn't have to see any of them.

"And it wasn't the pharmacy?" Mae asked as Amelia dropped her head back on the pillow in frustration.

Tara shook her head. "They are adamant it's not on their end and judging by when the prescription was last filled Meels would have experienced symptoms a while ago."

"Did you tell anyone?" Amelia asked quickly.

"Not yet. Well, I did let them know of my suspicions but not about talking to the pharmacy or the final test results."

"Adderall," Amelia said sadly. "That's an ADHD medication, right?"

"Yeah but it's popular on the streets too, everywhere really, so that doesn't help narrow it down."

"At least I'm not crazy." Amelia smiled a little while Tara and Mae laughed at her excitement. "All that stuff with Clay, the times and getting mixed up with my dad and Juice going on runs; it was because my brain was racing from the damn speed."

Tara picked that up right away; she wouldn't put anything passed Clay Morrow especially knowing how he felt about Amelia from day one. Her and Mae made eye contact for a second but didn't say anything, adding that kind of stress and fear on Amelia now wouldn't help. "I'm sure you're relieved. Do you think your dad will be by after church?"

"Probably," rolling the end of the sheet Amelia looked at Tara shyly. "Have either of you heard from Juice, seen him at all?"

The girls shook their heads and Mae pointed out to the hallway. "No, but you have a little buddy outside, new prospect. What happened what that anyway?" Listening closely as Amelia explained the situation the girls both understood completely although they each had their own biases.

"Well, not that you asked for it but my advice is to cut him some slack. You know the world of mental health isn't easy and I think he did well, all things considered." It was more positive than expected from her, but Tara believed what she was saying and completely felt for Juice. It was a struggle for her to immerse herself in club life, Tara was sure Juice felt similarly about him and Amelia's situation. "He's a good guy, that's all I mean."

"Yeah, he is." Amelia nodded, her lips puckered to the side of her face. "Hey, maybe keep that," she pointed to the test results in her hand, "Away from my dad? Let me tell him, he's going to freak out." Tara nodded and excused herself. Once she was in the hall Tara text Jax to swing around with Juice while keeping Tig at bay.

"I agree," Mae said quickly. "Juice is a sweetheart but I do think it's shitty he didn't say anything. I know it's different but this craziness we live only works when they're honest, club related or not. He should have told you.

Amelia shrugged. "I like him. I understand why he did it, I do but it hurt. I can't deal with that, if he gets tired of it again and I only get more attached, it'll crush me."

"You need stability," Mae said. "That's not stable, as a friend or something more."

Mae was less understanding of Juice's actions than Tara, they were on opposite ends of the spectrum. She was always in 100 percent from the start with Opie, fully supportive, and she felt that was the way it should be. The only break she'd give Juice was that he was certainly a different type of individual, sweeter than the rest, more old fashioned. It hadn't occurred to her that Amelia and Juice were younger, much less sure of themselves and what they were looking for. Mae and Opie knew from the beginning what they wanted from each other and their relationship, it was much more of a journey for most couples.

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