Chapter 13: Exposed Pt.1

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*3 Months Later*

*Tony's Point Of View*

I hate this. Why did Pepper have to kick me out?! All I did was throw a Party and didn't tell her! What was the Problem with that? I don't want to stay here. I'm in Room 418 at Avengers Tower and I wish I was at home, in my bed with Pepper beside me. I look at the clock and its 6am. I'm never up at this Time! The only thing I can do is get up and get some milk, that might make me sleepy so I can just sleep the whole day. I stand up and look in the mirror rubbing my eyes. The sight that greeted my was not a good looking one but I don't care because no one is even awake to see me like this. I open the fridge and look for milk after I get over my reflection. No milk. Great. I put on some slippers and head towards the door, I'm going to go to the Shared kitchen down the corridor.

I grab my keys, open the door and lock it behind me but I'm stopped in my tracks. Room 417's door opens and two familiar faces pop out. Steve and Nat. I can see they don't notice me so I don't move, I want to know what they are doing.

"Do you have to go?" Steve says, he puts his hands around Natasha's waist! She puts her hands around his neck and they kiss! Oh my god.
"You know I do, Bruce will wake up soon!" She says. They are in a... RELATIONSHIP!! HOLY CRAP! I want to know everything! Maybe not everything but I want to know at least when they started?!
"Oh, come on, Babe! No one knows about us! You can stay for another hour and then if he's awake, just day you went for a walk!" Babe? Really Steve? And now I know. I know about you two, I should tell you I know. I have to tell you I know. You two have a right to know.
"No, I'm leaving!" They are both laughing and Natasha is trying to squirm free of his grasp. They look happy. They deserve to be happy. I've never really seen Natasha properly laugh.
"I love you!" He says, finally letting her go.
"I love you too!" She says as she walks down the corridor to her room. Steve shuts the door as soon as Nat is in her apartment and the corridor is silent. So silent. How do I tell them I know?... I have an idea! Tomorrow Morning I will get up at 5.30 am and go and knock on their door. When someone answers, I'll tell them and they know! Mission accomplished!

*Next Morning*

I wake up at 5.30am as planned and get dressed and ready almost immediately. I make myself some coffee and think about what happened yesterday. Everytime I saw them, even just in the same room, I saw the looks they gave eachother. Flirtatious looks. They looked pissed that they couldn't run into eachothers arms. I realised Clint didn't even know when Steve made a joke about going out with Nat "What? You think I'm going out with Romanoff?" "No! But you would be cute together! Why? Do you like her?" "Not really. Shes very annoying and I could not handle her as a girlfriend!" Knowing their little secret I watched closely as Nat watched Steve say he could never go out with her and she gave him a 'ha you like it really' look. He gave her a 'well, you got me there' look and nobody noticed but me! They hide this relationship well!

5.45am. I finish my Coffee and leave the apartment, locking it behind me. I knocked on Room 417 and Steve appeared flustered and half Naked.
"Hey Tony, what's up?" He says out of breath.
"I need to talk to you." I try and go in but Steve stops me.
"What's so important?" He asks, he seems protective, hes being protective over his relationship, and Nat.
"Please. Just let me in." I say.
"Fine." He says and let's me through. He shuts the door and I walk straight into the living room. From what I can see, there is no evidence of Natasha being there but I knew she was hiding in the Bedroom.
"Why is your bedroom door closed? It's never closed" I say, acting intrigued. He stands in the way of the bedroom door.
"Because it can be, now what do you want?" He seems pissed. I probably interrupted them. Oops.
"I know." I say, looking at him with a serious.
"Know what?" He says, innocently.
"You know what." I say, staring at him. He looks confused with a slight hint of worry.
"You really keep it under wraps! But I promise, I won't tell absolutely anyone about it!"
"Tony! Why are you here?" He yells.
"You and Romanoff. Shes in there, isn't she? Nat, come on, reveal yourself." Steve faced changed from anger to guilt. He knocked on the bedroom door and Natasha walked out wearing one of Steve's T-shirts and some leggings.
"How did you know? We've been so careful!" Nat said, you could tell they didnt know what to do. They both look shocked and guilty.
"Nah! Me first. How long you two been doing this?" I snapped back. I said it in not a angry way but a interested way.
"Since that argument you witnessed me and Steve have. That was a set up. We were literally kissing when you shouted my name to tell me Bruce went Green." Nat admitted, she looked at the floor guilty.
"You two deserve a win," they both looked up in surprise at my remark "stop looking so guilty. You may be cheating but your doing it for the right reasons. Protection. If Bruce knew, Steve, you and I would probably be dead by now! Anyway, your perfect for eachother!" I said, smiling at them. They thought I was going to tell everyone their secret.
"Thank you Tony." Steve looked up and after I did a few hand actions, he finally put a tshirt on.
"How did you find out?" Natasha asked, her arms interlinked with Steve, they were so cute together.
"I woke up yesterday and I realised I needed milk, so at this time yesterday. I got up and left the apartment to find you two snogging at the door!" They both Blushed "Anyways, I said to myself I would tell you and I decided on this time in the morning. Knowing your secret, I saw how many looks you gave eachother. The looks to eachother were adorable but the looks to eachother when the one of you wasn't looking? Now that was ultra adorable. You clearly Love eachother and I know you care for eachother. You deserve to be happy. I'm going to leave before I punch you both out of Jealousy because of your happiness!" I walked to the front door and opened it. There stood Clint. All he could see was Rogers and Romanoff behind me. Romanoff had her arm interlocking with Steve's and she was leaning in to kiss Steve.
"What the hell is going on here?!" Clint said, louder than he should've.

End of Exposed pt.1

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