Chapter 2

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  It has a been long day. I really just want to go home and wrap myself in my blankets and fall asleep. I sigh as I search the hospital cafeteria for a spot to enjoy my lunch... alone. As my eyes scan the space I catch the eyes of Dr. Warren. He is everywhere today! He smiles at me and I blush. I quickly spot a deserted booth and scurry over towards it. I sit and try to regain my composure. Damn. I say my grace and unwrap my sandwich and I carefully bite into it, conscious of all the people in here. I place my food down and take a sip from my water bottle.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

Damn, damn, damn! I look up from the table to see none other than... you know what, you already know.  I mean he is everywhere today.

"Umm... sure! No I don't mind."

Calm down Miranda. He smiles at me as he slid into the booth in front of me.

"So our surgery got canceled. "

"Y..yea, it did."

Why the hell am I stuttering!?

"Bummer. That we didn't get to work together I mean. Not that Mrs. Louise  got to go home. 'Cuz you know th..."

"Dr. Warren I get what you're trying to say!" I say with a slight chuckle and my head titled to the side a bit.

Why is he rambling? Is he as nervous as I am? Well definitely not Miranda! But whatever it is it's cute.

"Well I was really looking forward to working with you Dr. Bailey. "

Oh God the way he says 'Dr. Bailey ' made my stomach flutter.

"Well m..maybe we'll work together s.ssome other time Dr. Warren."

He smirked, "Hopefully so Dr. Bailey. I'm looking forward to it."

Shit. I took a gulp of my water to try and settle the hundreds of butterflies flying around in my tummy. I cleared my throat and began to wrap my half eaten forgotten about sandwich. I looked down at my watch and began to gather my things so I could stand.

"Well Dr. Warren, thank you for having lunch with me." I say as he jumps up out of his seat.

"You're quite welcome Dr. Bailey. Thank you for letting me join you. Maybe we could do this again sometime" he says with a smile.

That damn smile would make me agree to almost anything this man said.

"Umm... sure, th..thats fine with"

Damn thought I was done stuttering !

I nod my head and turn and walk away. I toss the uneaten sandwich into the trash. I really need to get myself together .

The rest of the day goes by without any more run ins with the famous Dr. Warren. I was glad but also slightly disappointed. I head out to the parking lot and hop into my car and speed home. It is well past midnight and I'm exhausted. I take a quick shower, wrap my hair, and plop down onto my comfortable bed. I say my prayer, cut off my lamp, and roll over and fall into a peaceful sleep. Ugh! Finally!!

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