Chapter 15

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Thanksgiving was next week, and Ben and Miranda were no where near prepared. They had been working nonstop these past few days and there was barely anytime to do anything. Although they had decided that they would invite both their families over to their house to celebrate. It was Friday and Miranda was just about at the end of her shift.

She walked around and did her final rounds before she went to the locker room to change out of her scrubs. She took a seat on the bench for a second after she'd changed because her feet were killing her. If she had to guess, she hadn't sat down in about eight hours. One of Ben's foot massages was certainly a must right about now. She smiled as she thought about Ben.

Although they had been like two ships passing in the night, they tried to find time to talk on the phone and one or the other would stay a while after their shifts so they could see each other if only for a few minutes. She looked down at her watch and saw that he would be coming in roughly ten minutes from now so she decided to head to the cafeteria and grab something to eat.

She smiled as a message popped up on her phone from Connor. It was a picture of the scoreboard at his basketball game. They had won by fifteen points. She hearted the message and then sent him a text telling him how proud she was and that they would go out for a movie night tomorrow to celebrate.

The elevator dinged and she stepped onto it as the doors opened. She unconsciously hummed along to the music playing softly through the speakers. When it dinged again, she stepped off and walked over to grab some pizza and wings from the section of the cafeteria in the back. She smiled at a few fellow doctors as she passed by to head back downstairs and wait for Ben.

A glance at her watch told her he should walking through the doors any second now. She stepped off the elevator and smiled as she saw him walking towards the locker room with a bag slung over his shoulder. She didn't call out to him but she did follow him into the room.

"Hello stranger."

He turned around and smiled as he sat his bag down, "Hello to you too."

She grinned as he walked over and engulfed her in a hug. The smell of his body wash and aftershave filled her senses and she snuggled deeper into his embrace. He squeezed her closer to him as well and he placed kisses to the top of her head.

"I miss you," she said as they pulled away from the hug.

He stroked her cheek and leaned down to place a kiss to her lips, "I miss you more."

They continued to kiss like they were never going to see each other again until the door opened and an intern walked in. The young woman blushed as she quickly excused herself and turned to leave. Miranda called out to her and told her she didn't have to go. She smiled once again at Ben as he held her hand firmly in his.

"What time will you be home tomorrow?"

"Around six in the morning."

"I told Connor I'd take him out to the movies. Do you think you could join us?"

"There's no place I'd rather be," he said as he kissed her again.

She smiled as she placed her hand on the back of his neck as the kiss deepened. He grabbed her waist and pulled her as close as humanly possible as he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Miranda pulled away from the kiss, dragging his bottom lip with her. He smacked her ass and she squealed.

They smiled at each other before they pulled completely out of their embrace. Ben turned toward the locker and pulled out his scrubs to change.

"Goodnight Dr. Warren."

"Goodnight Dr. Bailey," he said with a salute and a childish grin.

She smiled as she sauntered out of the room with her food and headed to her car to go home. When she arrived, Connor was asleep on the couch with some cartoon playing on the tv. She smiled as she sat her food down on the counter and came to sit beside his head. Gently, she stroked his forehead and then she shook his shoulder to wake him.

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