Chapter 3

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  Today was one of my very few off days. At first I was going to stay in and catch up on some reading and some much needed sleep. And I did sleep until 9:30 and read until maybe 10:30 after I had woken up and cooked my breakfast. Then I decided for whatever reason to get my lazy self off my very comfortable couch, get dressed, and head out to run some errands. So I took a shower and did all of my necessary hygiene stuff and got dressed and headed out at around 2 o'clock. I found myself wondering around Seattle and decided to go sightseeing and do a little personal shopping. My wardrobe was in desperate need of an upgrade. I bought some panties, bras, a few pairs of jeans, a dress, etc. I also did a bit of grocery shopping because I'm pretty sure there wasn't much in my fridge. I dropped my things off at my apartment. It was around 6:30 in the evening and I decided to go to the park.

    I arrived at the park and sat on a bench. My eyes roamed the park. All the kids playing, some with their parents, some with other kids, and a few played alone. I observed as some people walked their dogs around the track and others jogging the trail. I sat on the bench and watched the people enjoying themselves. I lost track of the time and when I glanced down at my watch, it was 8:00. Whew! I wrestled with the thought of going home and cooking but didn't really feel like it. I decided that my best option would be to walk across the street to the McDonald's. It would fill me up.

   I entered the McDonald's and looked around. There weren't many people and I was oh so glad. I ordered my food and sat down at a table. They called my ticket number and I went to collect my food. As I went to retrieve my seat, a little boy ran past me and almost fell over. Luckily he saved himself but not so much my drink which had now splashed all over the floor. He came to a halt and his eyes bugged out as he saw the mess.

   "I'm so sorry Miss! I should have been paying attention to where i was going, " he said as he grabbed a handful of napkins to wipe up the mess on the floor.

   "I have to agree with you on that one buddy, but it's fine, " I said to him as I bent down with him to help him clean up.

   "Connor! What are you doing man?"

  I stood as I heard a familiar voice from behind me and I saw the boy start to panic. I smiled at him to try and ease his nerves. I turned to explain what had happened to whoever this kid was with and the boy, whose name is apparently Connor, stepped behind me a little. I looked up and stopped as I saw Dr. Warren. When he saw my face he smiled. Damn!


  "Uncle Ben I was on my way to the restroom and I wasn't paying attention to where i was going and I ran into this lady and spilled her drink. But I helped her clean it up and I apologized!" Connor said.

  I was glad that he said something because I just couldn't get anything out of my mouth at the moment.

  "Is that what happened Dr. Bailey?"

  "Umm...yea! It's fine really. I wasn't really paying attention either. He's okay."

  Connor slowly crept from behind me and grabbed the wet napkins off the floor and threw them away. As I watched him throw them away I could see Ben watching me out of my peripheral vision. I cleared my throat and turned to look at him as Connor approached us again. He smirked at me.

   "Well Connor it was nice meeting you. And thanks for helping me clean up and not just running off."

  "You're welcome Miss."

   "Miranda is fine hunny. "

  I smiled at him and he smiled back brightly.

  "Well I should be going home now."

  "No. Can't you please eat with us Miss.Miranda. Please."

  "Ummm I..." 

  "Yea Dr. Bailey. Please sit with us."

  "Umm... uh... Miranda is fine." I said looking at Dr. Warren.

  "Okay then Miranda, will you please sit and eat with my nephew and me?

  "Uhhh.... yea sure" i said giving in.


  They looked at each other and smiled then both looked my way. I let out a slight smile myself. They were so adorable!

  We sat at a booth they picked out and began talking, taking bites of food every so often as we were all, it seemed, very much invested in this conversation. We were all laughing and enjoying ourselves. It had been a while since I had really and truly enjoyed myself like this. I was really having a good time with Ben and his nephew. And as scared as I was to admit it to myself, this felt normal, we felt like a family.

  I had come to learn a little about Connor, and he was truly a good kid. He was living with Ben because his mom had died in a car accident and his father was sadly in prison. This story shocked me and made me feel sympathy for the young boy. But he seemed to be handling it well.

  "So how do you two know each other?" Connor asked.

  "We work together at the same hospital," Ben said flashing a smile my way and I blushed which I'm pretty certain didn't go unnoticed by him.

  "Oh cool!"

  Smiles were shared all around the table.

  "Well it's getting late kiddo and you have school. And I have work. So let's tell Miss Miranda goodnight and head on home." Ben said and Connor let out a pout which I found so adorable.

  "Aww. It's ok man. I actually should be getting home as well." I said.

  "Oh. Umm do you need a ride?"

  "No it's fine! I live right around the corner."

  "Well I can give you a ride, I don't mind at all."

  "No it's fine really Dr. Warren."

  "Ben. And I would feel much better if I took you there myself and saw that you made it safely Dr. Bailey."

  God this man was persistent!!

  "Miranda. And..."

  " Okay! Okay! Can you please just let uncle Ben take you home Miss Miranda. Because I hate to say it but you won't win this argument," Connor exclaimed.

  I looked at Ben and saw he had a smirk on his face and his arms crossed across his chest. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

  "Okay fine! If it makes you happy."

  "It does, very much. Now let's  ride amigos!" He said.

  We got into Ben's car and made light conversation on the way to my apartment which wasn't very far away at all. He stopped in front of my door and cut off the car.

  "So goodnight Miranda. Thank you for joining us for dinner." He smiled.

  You're welcome Ben. And thank you for the ride. I appreciate it."

  "My pleasure."

  I blushed and exited the car. I looked through the back window at Connor as he let it down.

  "Well Connor I had a great time kiddo."

  "Me too Miss Miranda! Maybe we can do this again sometime!" He said smiling brightly at me which warmed my heart.

  "I would love to." I smiled.

  "Well goodnight gentlemen. See you guys later."

  "Night," they both said.

  I looked back and saw that Ben was watching me, I assumed he was waiting for me to enter the building. That was really sweet!

  I turned and waved as I made my way into the building and closed the door behind me. When I entered my apartment I plopped down on my couch and sighed, a grin plastered on my face.

'What a day!'






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