Chapter 6

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   It has been two weeks since Ben and my's first kiss, and I must say I have been over the moon. I've been happier than ever, even people at work have started to notice. Sadly though, we haven't been able to go out again because of our work schedules which is a real bummer. Although I must say that the late night phone calls, the texting, and the passing glances at work have eased the pain.

   Today is no different with me running around the hospital checking on patients and performing surgeries. I somehow find a quick second to myself and slip into an on call room before my next surgery,  thankfully it's empty. I take a seat on one of the beds and place my head in my hands. I closed my eyes and I thought I heard the door open but didn't pay it any attention.

   "Someone is tired I see."

   I jumped slightly at the sound of his voice but my stomach fluttered. I looked up just to make sure my tired mind wasn't playing tricks on me, but thankfully it wasn't and there he was, standing in front of me with his infamous smirk on his face. I smiled and stood up, suddenly becoming shy for some reason.

   "You see right, this someone is tired."

   "I figured."

   He walked closer to me and to my surprise and delight he hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. I sighed with content, he smelled so good and he felt even better.

   "So what are you doing in here? I thought you had a surgery."

   "I do, I just needed a minute to myself."


   "Yeah. Well I should get back before they send a search party."

   He laughed and pulled away as I smiled up at him. I looked into his eyes and he smiled down at me and began to lean in and I quickly followed his lead and our lips met in another mind blowing kiss. I pulled away when I began to get lost in the moment and smiled at him one more time before I left to get ready for my surgery with a new found burst of energy.

   The surgery went very well and the patient would recover just fine which was a huge relief, seeing as there were a few concerns going in before surgery. The other good news was that my shift was almost over and I could go home, shower, and eat. As I'm walking around checking on my patients for the final time before I leave, my phone buzzes. I quickly pull it out of my pocket to make sure there isn't an emergency because it's too late for an out of the blue message from my parents, so who could it possibly be. I glance down and see that's it's a message from Ben asking to meet in the parking lot. I reply back with a quick 'okay' and continue checking on patients.

   My shift was finally over and I finished up everything in the hospital and headed out to the parking lot where Ben was stood leaning against my car. I approached him and smiled tiredly.

   "Well hello again Dr. Bailey."

   "Hello Dr. Warren."

   "I can see you're tired so I'll get right to the point. As you know tomorrow is Friday, and on Fridays Connor and I have a little movie night after I get off work. So I was just wondering if you would like to join us?"

   "Well I would love to, thank you for asking."

   "Fantastic, and it was no trouble at all."

   "Well goodnight Ben."

   "Goodnight Miranda. I'll text you the time."


   Without any warning he pressed his lips onto mine in a short, sweet kiss and smiled.

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