Chapter 4

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AN: I just want to say thank you for all the reads and the comments and the votes!! I really am shocked but I wanna say thank you thank you!!
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   I had a surgery today and I was really hoping that it would help my patient to get better because over the course of time she had been here, she had become my friend, someone's company whom I enjoyed. I ran the procedure over in my head as I made my way to the OR, even though I had done this multiple times I still wanted everything to go right. The patient was having an appendectomy to hopefully stop the pain she was experiencing in her stomach. She was an older woman full of life of, she was very sweet and caring, and she could make you laugh easily. I walked into the washing room of the OR and began to scrub in. I said a quick prayer and entered into the steral portion of the room and they slid the gloves onto my hands and then I made my way over to Ms. Johnson and began her surgery.

  A few hours later the surgery had gone well and Ms. Johnson was back in her room recovering. I walked past and snuck my head in to peep on her and saw that she was asleep snoring slightly. I smiled and gently closed the door as not to disturb her and continued to go and check on other patients before my next surgery.

  It was 11:23pm and I had not to long ago finished up a surgery and checked on a young woman with a broken hip. I was tired and hungry which made me very cranky so I decided to hide out in the locker room as not to accidentally lash out on other people , and hoping to hide out from any more calls until my shift ended at 12. As I sat on a bench in the locker room, hands on my head while my head hung low, the door opened.

  I prayed that they weren't looking for me. I kept my back to the door in hopes of not being noticed which was unlikely seeing as I was the only one in here.

  "Dr. Bailey?"

  I cleared my throat and mentally rolled my eyes.


  "Peds needs you. There is a little boy complaining of stomach aches and is running a high fever, and also vomiting. "

  "Dr. Warren can't you all get Dr. Robbins?"

  "No she left already and being as you are here yourself, seemingly unoccupied, I see no need in calling her and asking for her to come back."

  I stood and turned around as I looked at Dr. Warren with shock written on my face. Who did he think he was talking to! This man really just called me out, which I admit was very bold and quite sexy, but still, who did he think he was?

  "Excuse me Dr. Warren, I don't know who yo.. ."

  "Sorry to interrupt you but there is a young boy who needs our help and with all due respect, we're wasting time. So could you please follow me, the patient is waiting."

  I had absolutely no words. None. I was shocked to the core, and maybe a little aroused. I really just let this man talk to me like that! Me, Miranda Bailey, "the Nazi". God I must be extremely exhausted. Had it been anyone else I would have had some words no doubt. Maybe he just caught me off guard and I just didn't know how to respond, or maybe it was because I liked the fact that he didn't take my shit like everyone else. Whatever the case may be it was unsettling for me to think about. As I was walking behind him trying to keep up, but unfortunately lagging bebind, I admired the view of this good looking man in front of me. I noticed that he wasn't wearing scrubs but he sported a pair of khaki shorts and a light blue v-neck with a pair of black vans.  He looked good.

  "Why aren't you wearing your scrubs?"

  I guess he didn't hear me as we soon came to the room that I assume the little boy was in and he opened the door and walked in.

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