Chapter 14

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Miranda walked through the automatic doors of the hospital with a million and one thoughts running through her mind. She hadn't had a good week by any means. Her period was three days late, she had been throwing up for two mornings straight, and she just felt like shit altogether. Pregnant was the word playing in her head on repeat.

But that was impossible. Who was she kidding, it wasn't impossible at all. It was totally logical. Her and Ben had been screwing like rabbits and her moving in only increased that. They didn't always use protection and she sometimes missed a birth control pill or two, or three. She shook her head as she walked into the locker room and changed into her scrubs. A baby!? What would they do with a baby? Miranda hadn't really thought about having kids.

Did Ben want kids? She groaned internally at the fact that they had never discussed the matter. What if he didn't want kids? Miranda took a deep breath to try to ease some of those thoughts because she saw that she had a surgery in a little while. Ben didn't come in until later in the day so that gave Miranda a little time to think about whether she should tell him or not. What if she wasn't pregnant? But what if she was?

Miranda sighed loudly as she walked into the OR and began to scrub in for her surgery. After her gloves were on and she stood over the body of a young man stretched out on her table, she took a deep breath and pushed all other thoughts aside. The surgery wasn't as long or complex as she thought it would be and she successfully completed it in record time.

She'd scrubbed out and raised an eyebrow as her stomach let out a growl. Taking a glance down at her watch she saw it was high time she ate some food. On her way to the cafeteria she pulled her phone from her pocket and sent Callie a quick text asking her to come over to her place tonight with pregnancy test. Like the great friend she was, Callie quickly responded with an okay and see you later.

Miranda was so grateful she didn't ask any questions. "Hey," She jumped as someone came behind her in the line as she was picking up a cookie. She turned around and gave a nervous smile. "Hello."

After she grabbed her cookie she walked to a table in the corner and sat down with her plate. Ben grabbed a hamburger and tatter tots before he sat in the chair across from her. He smiled brightly at her and she blushed.

"What," she asked as she raised a fry to her lips.

"You're just so beautiful," he gushed.

"You're too kind. Thank you."

They talked some as they ate, but it was mostly quiet. Miranda was locked inside her mind, struggling with her thoughts. She knew she shouldn't freak out until she had some kind of proof but couldn't help but think of all the negatives. Ben looked up from his hamburger when Miranda didn't answer his question after a while. He sat his food down and wiped his hands on a napkin before he reached for her hand.

"Miranda are you okay?"

Miranda snapped out of her thoughts and stared into those beautiful brown eyes. She took a deep breathe and decided to rip the band aid off. "Do you want children?"

Ben raised an eyebrow and stared back at a nervous Miranda. He looked at her a bit longer and when it seemed she was crawling into herself he cleared his throat. "Do you want kids?"

"I asked you first."

He tutted, "Well in that case I would love to have children with you someday. But only if you want. No pressure here."

Miranda let out a sigh of relief and bowed her head. That was great news. Now that she knew where he stood she could focus on how she felt and she realized that she would love to have Ben's children, a physical representation of their love. She smiled brightly. Ben raised his eyebrow again and waited for her to explain where all this was coming from.

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