Chapter 8

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The day had come. It was finally Saturday and to be honest I was a little nervous. Was it to soon for Ben to meet my family? How is my family going to re act? Will they tell embarrassing stories about me? Will they like him?

Well all those questions didn't matter now because Ben and Connor were on their way. It was a three hour drive and I honestly didn't feel like driving, so I was overjoyed when Ben offered. I checked that I had my phone, charger, keys, wallet, and that everything was turned off and neat. I checked my hair and dress once more in my full length mirror in my bathroom. It was a formal dinner, but afterwards everyone would head back to the house, change out of their good clothes, and hang out. I was actually quite looking forward to seeing some of my family. I hadn't seen them in forever.

I was making sure that I had a pair of jeans, t shirt, and tennis shoes to change into when there was a knock on my door. I quickly grabbed my things and went to answer the door.

" Hello."

'Hey. You look amazing."

"Well thank you. You look great too."

"Thank you."

"Where's Connor?"

"He's in the car playing on his Nintendo."

"Oh. I see he came prepared for the ride."

We laughed and I locked my door as we made our way to his car. He looked really handsome in his three peice black suit. And he smelled really good. When we got to the car he politely opened the door for me and he went around to his side. Before he got in he took off his suit jacket and lay it in the backseat.

"Hey Connor."

"Hey Ms. Miranda. You look pretty."

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself young man."

"Thanks. But this tie is really not comfortable."

I smiled at him over my shoulder as we started our little journey. The party started at 6pm and lasted until about 7:30. It was currently two o'clock.
I looked over at Ben as he drove. He was such a nice man. Taking time out of his Saturday and going with me to my mother's. He was meeting my family only after we had been dating for about four months. Four months, time goes by fast but also slow. I really appreciated what he was doing.

"What you thinking about?"

"Nothing. Just about how I haven't seen my family in a while."

"Oh. When was the last time you saw them?"

"Last year at Christmas. So almost a year ago."

"Well that is quite a long time. But I'm sure they understand. And I'm certain they're going to be ecstatic to see you today."

"Yeah me too."

"So any tips you want to give me before I meet the Bailey's?"

I smiled, "Well just a few."

"Okay I'm ready."

"So my mom is a really sweet lady but she can hold her own. She is old fashioned, but you don't really have to worry about her. My dad... I guess he's the average protective father. He loves baseball and he is old fashioned as well. But he's the biggest ball of mush once you get to know him."

"Okay that's good. I'm positive I can win them over."

"You'll do great," I smiled.

"Any crazy cousins, aunts, or uncles I should know about?"

"Just a few you should beware of," I laughed thinking of my cousins and aunts.


"There's my cousin Ray. When he gets drunk he will talk you to death. I'm not exaggerating at all. But he's really calm and laid back when he's sober. Then there's Linda. She has three kids and they are the sweetest most well behaved children ever. They're very smart and mature. They also like to talk. You'll know them before I even introduce them to you. Linda works as a receptionist at the local dentist's office and she's a really nice woman. Then there is Uncle Johnny who is a nice man, if you don't make him mad. Whatever you do, let him pick the topic of conversation because he has a very short fuse and a lot of things tick him off. My Aunt May is a nice southern church woman who loves kids. She also loves squeezing people's cheeks and calling people honey and sugar. She talks a lot too. Then... there's my Aunt Rita. She's loud, always drunk, and she knows how to get under my mother's skin which is her favorite thing in the world to do. She smokes like a chimney, has absolutely no filter and she loves young men. So beware. The rest of my family is pretty average."

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