Chapter 13

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can't believe it's been almost a year y'all! thank you to all the people who have been reading and who didn't give up on me and this story! i love y'all and appreciate y'all so much. thank you, thank you, thank you!❤️❤️

p.s. this chapter is rated R😁🚫
"This place is beautiful Ben."

"Not as beautiful as you baby."

"Flattery will get you everywhere tonight sir," she said as they clinked their wine glasses together.

They were out at a restaurant, a very expensive one by the looks of it, celebrating their 1 year anniversary. Miranda was glad that their schedules allowed them to actually go out on the day of their anniversary, a few strings may have been pulled. Ben sat across from her in a grey suit jacket over a crisp, white, button up shirt and a pair of grey dress pants, topped off with a pair of white loafers. Miranda was sitting pretty in a white body con dress with split sleeves, showing a hint of cleavage, paired with a pair of silver six inch heels. They looked stunning and had turned more than a few heads tonight.

Conversation flowed easily over their dinner. They laughed, joked, and smiled. Their hands connected over the table during one of their little chats and they didn't separate until dessert was brought out. When the waiter placed the chocolate cake in front of Ben and the strawberry shortcake in front of Miranda, they smiled at each other. Ben grabbed her hand again when she picked up her fork and she looked up at him. He slipped a black box from his coat pocket and placed it on the table. Miranda raised her eyebrow and put her fork down to pick the box up. When she opened it, she gasped and looked at Ben who had a nervous smile on his face.

"Ben is this..."

"Yes. Only if you want to though. I don't wanna rush you. But I just hate having to say goodbye to you at the door and waking up without you in my arms. I just want you near me."

Miranda smiled and sniffled a little as a tear fell from her eye, "Of course I'll move in with you baby."

Ben let out a sigh of relief mixed with a laugh. His smile stretched from ear to ear as he got up and kissed Miranda. He grabbed her face with both his hands and smiled down at her when they pulled away. Before he took his seat he reached into his other pocket and pulled out another black box. This one was velvet and rectangular. Miranda let out a shaky breath and grabbed the box. She opened it and her hand flew to her chest and a gasp escaped her lips. She looked up at Ben, tears falling freely now. In the box was a beautiful necklace with the diamonds shaped heart pendant.

"Oh baby. It's beautiful! But it looks so expensive."

"Don't worry about that woman," he said as he picked the necklace up out of the box and put it around her neck.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome baby."

Ben sat back in his chair and their hands met once again across the table. Miranda ghosted her fingertips across the necklace and smiled over at Ben with so much love and adoration. She was so grateful for this man. This year had been one of the best of her life. This man had came into her life and turned it upside down, and she couldn't be happier about it. She never expected to fall so hard and deep in love with someone, but here she was over the moon in love.

"Time for your present," she said nervously.

"Don't look so nervous baby. I'm sure whatever it is I'll love it."

"I hope so."

She reached down into her purse and pulled out a white velvet box and placed it on the table. Ben smiled at her and grabbed the box. He smiled and looked up at her, in the box was a black watch. He had mentioned that he wanted one, he couldn't believe she actually remembered.

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