Chapter 7

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   "Mom I don't know if I will be able to make it this year to your birthday party."

   "Why Miranda? Is a surgery really more important to you than your mother?"

   "Of course not! But I..."

   "Well it's settled then! You'll be here."

   Miranda sighed, "Yes ma'am."

   "Great! So... you bringing anyone?"

   "Um... I don't know. Maybe."

   "Okay. Love you honey."

   "I love you too mom."

   Miranda hung up her phone as she continued her shopping. Her mother had called, as she usually did this time of year, to ask Miranda about coming to her annual birthday party. She had tried getting out of it, but it would do no one any good to argue with Eleanor Bailey.

   Miranda took her shopping cart to isle three where the junk food was and grabbed a few snacks. She thought of how, or even if, she would ask Ben to accompany her to her mother's birthday party that she herself didn't want to attend. She made her way to the check out line after grabbing a few more necessities. She greeted the cashier with a smile as the young girl scanned her items.

   After throwing her bags in her backseat, Miranda made her way to the book store to purchase a book she had been wanting to read for quite a while. She then made her way to the store to buy her mother a birthday present since the party was next week, and she probably wouldn't have much off time for a while. After running her errands for the day, she began the drive back to her apartment. Her drive back home was full of music, singing, and road rage.

   When she arrived at her apartment, she grabbed her bags from her backseat. She threw her keys in a plastic bowl she had sitting on a small wooden table beside her front door. Walking into her kitchen, she sat her bags on her counter and began to wrap her mother's present. After she had wrapped it she placed it on her dresser in front of her bed.

   After she had showered, put on her pajamas, and ordered a pizza and some wings, she retired onto her couch and watched a movie. As she sat and ate her food and watched her movie, her phone rung. She paused her movie and leaned off the couch to grab her phone from the coffee table. She checked the time, it was 8:30. She smiled as she saw that Ben was the one calling her.



   "How was your day?"

   "It was good. I did a little shopping. What about you?"

   "It was good. I took Connor to the skating rink. I just put him to bed not too long ago."


   "So what are you doing?"

   "I was watching a movie and eating pizza. What are you doing?"

   "Well it seems great minds do think alike. I just sat down to watch a movie myself."

  "Oh really now."

   "Yes really."

   Ben and Miranda continued their conversation for an hour. They talked and laughed. Miranda felt like a high school girl talking to her crush and Ben felt like he was talking to the woman of his dreams, which he was. There never seemed to be silence, and if there was, it wasn't awkward. As their conversation weighed on, Miranda finally decided to ask Ben to accompany her to her mother's birthday party.

   "So I actually want to ask you something," Miranda said after another bout of comforting silence.

   "Ask away your highness."

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