Chapter 2

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3 months later

Brian's POV

It was September. The new school year was starting tomorrow. My last year in this hell hole, I thought.
It's not that I didn't like going to school. It made me feel better. I love learning, and every day is something new. What I didn't like about it was that almost every single person in that building was completely stupid. Like literally. Once, somebody asked if chocolate milk comes from brown cows. And another time, somebody else said that earth is not a planet. HOW THE FUCK IS EARTH NOT A PLANET.

I just think that it wasn't the right school for me. I was looking forward to college. I could finally talk to some cultured human beings and not those creeps that fart in the middle of the class and then start laughing.

I was on my way to eat lunch when the phone rang.
"Hi Bri"
"Oh hi Fred what's up"
"Leave everything you're doing and get your ass at Deaky's right now"
"Okay? What's going on?"
"Just come here, Brian!"
"Okay Jesus"
I hang up the phone. I hurried to my bike and started cycling to John's house.

Even though Freddie and I had broken up, we were still best friends. Probably because we were never actually in love with each other. I just saw him as a friend, and so did he. Well, a friend with a LOT of benefits. But now we were both completely over it. To be honest, I think the only reason I dated him was that he was great in bed. I missed our sex, but I have to remind myself that there are plenty of fish in the sea.

I just wanted something real you know? Somebody to hug me and tell me it's gonna be alright, somebody to take care of me, and support me. Somebody to love me.

I arrived at John's house. It wasn't the biggest house ever, but it had plenty of room for 4 people, a garage, and a pool.

I knocked on the door. One second later, a very angry Freddie was standing in front of me. I seriously thought he was gonna punch me.
"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked
"No darling, it's not okay. It's far from okay. It's as okay as pineapple on pizza. It's NOT okay!"
"What's wrong?" I asked concerned
"Will freaking left!"
"What do you mean left?"
"He left us, darling, he left the band!"
"But what are we going to do now? We are recording an album in what? Two weeks? We can't record the album without a drummer!"
"That's what I said"
"Did he tell you why he left?"
"Well, what?"
"I told him I was gay, then Deaky told him he was also gay, after that I told him you were bi, he got mad at being the only straight guy in the band, then he said that being gay is a sin and that God is going to burn us, and.. yeah that's pretty much it"
"Where is Deaky?"
"Okay" I said and burst into the house. I found John eating cheese on toast.
"John! "
"Freddie, nice to meet you!" Freddie screamed from the living room
"Haha very funny Fred" I said
"John..." I continued
"That's my name" he said with a smile
"Did Will leave because all 3 of us like men or is Freddie on drugs again?"
"For once in my life, I wish it was the drugs" John said with his smile fading
"So what, he just left?"
"Just like that?"
"Just like that darling" Freddie said joining our conversation
"What are we going to do?" John said
"I guess we can either try to find a new drummer or cancel the contract" I responded
"No way. Nope. Not happening" Freddie said
"Yeah, we've tried so hard to get here, we can't just give up our dream because some homophobic asshole decided to quit. I won't allow it" John told us, clearly angry at Will
"Okay, then we don't have another choice. I'm gonna make audition posters. John, find a place to host the audition. Freddie, you can do whatever you want"
"Thanks!" Freddie said
"Okay let's do it!" Said John. After that, we started working.

I put my heart and soul into those posters. And all I could do was hope, no, PRAY that somebody would want to join Queen.


A/N: Shitty chapter, but don't worry it gets better

A/N2: No it doesn't.

Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now