Chapter 9

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4 months later

Roger's POV

It was summer again. It's been almost four months since Brian and I started dating, and let me tell you, a lot has happened since then.

I started working with Freddie at the clothes market. I was this close to buying a new drum kit, so I thought why not? That way I could spend more time with Freddie too.

John and Freddie are still dating. They're planning on moving in together once John graduates, but he's a year younger than me so they'll have to wait quite a while for that.

Things between me and Brian are still great. I am still very much in love with him, and I like to think that he is too. We argued once, but that's his fault. How was I supposed to know that if you put hairspray on fire it explodes?

Speaking of my relationship with Bri, I finally told my mum I am bisexual. She didn't care much, and she said she loves me no matter what, which is great. I also told Claire, but she thinks bisexual means that you are allergic to meat.

The school was finally over, and I wouldn't have to face Pauline for at least two months. She tried to kiss me again once, but I threw my book at her face and almost broke her nose. I got detention after that, but it was worth it.

Above all this, Queen was doing great. We had released our second album, Queen II, and were planning on making a third one. Both our first and second album had gotten very successful in Britain, but we still had a long way to go.

Tonight, was our concert. Our first real one. We had only played in bars and college gigs until now, but today, we had an actual concert in an actual theatre, and all four of us were nervous as fuck. I knew that we were gonna be great, but still.

It was almost time for us to go to the stage. I was looking at Brian. He was very much upset because he thought he was gonna mess it up, even if I told him a thousand times that he's gonna be great.

Freddie was very drunk and John was trying to get him to drink some water. This is what always happens when we have to appear to live. Freddie gets wasted because he needs something to calm him down. Me, John and Brian were used to it, but it was still annoying.

After a while, we were called on stage. All four of us made a dramatic entrance. Freddie was suddenly a whole new man. He was not shy at all, and you could barely even notice that he was drunk.

The show ended after about an hour, and I have to admit that we crushed it. We were great. The crowd cheered and clapped non stop. We went backstage and started cheering like teenage girls that were touched on the shoulder by their crush.

"We were perfect!" Freddie said
"Damn right we were!" I responded
"I think we need to celebrate" John jumped in the conversation
"But guys, Freddie is already shit faced" Mom Brian said
"Oh come on darling, live a little" Freddie told him. He could handle the alcohol pretty well.
"Fine! But I am not taking you home" Brian said
"Oh I'll take him home tonight" John said seductively
"I'm in" Freddie said
"Okay then, it's time to have some fun!" I said

After a while, we were all wasted. We were lucky that we had our bar backstage because if we had gone to a club, we wouldn't have survived.

"Let's play truth or dare!" I suggested
"Yesss!" The other three said at once
"Okay I'll go first" John said
"Roger truth or dare?"
"Dare, I am no pussy" I said
"I dare you to act out yours and Brian's favorite sex position" he said
"Okay" I told him and went on all fours, while Brian climbed behind me
"Here you go! My turn. Freddie truth or dare?" I asked
"Truth" he said giggling
"Okay, fuck, marry, kill, me, John, Brian" I said
"Oh easy, fuck Brian, Marry John and kill you" he said
"Hey!" I laughed
"My turn" it was Freddie's turn to ask
"Brian, truth or dare?"
"Okay, when was the last time you peed your pants?" Freddie asked
"Today!" Brian replied
"What?" All three of us yelled at once
"Yeah, before we went on stage. It was just a little bit though!"
We all laughed
"Okay, Deaky truth or dare?" Brian asked John
"I dare you to eat shampoo"
"Okayyyyy" John said and headed to the bathroom.

A minute later, he came out with a bottle of hand soap, and took a sip
"Now you're gonna throw up bubbles" I said
"Okay, Freddie truth or Dare?" John asked
"I dare you to..."

That's how the night went by. We had a lot of fun. I loved spending time with the boys like this. It was just relaxing, and fun, and funny at the same time.

Three hours later, I and Brian finally arrived at my place, since it was the closest out of the two. John and Freddie had already gone to Deaky's.

"I am soooo tired" I said
"Me too" Brian responded
"We need to go to my room"
"Or not"
"What do you mean?"
"We could sleep on the sofa"
"Yeah sounds good. I can't walk up the stairs anyway"

Five minutes later, we were both layed on my couch, still with our stage clothes on, and had nearly fallen asleep.
"I love you"
"I love you two. Now go back to sleep, it's already 5 am"
"Okay" he said and fell asleep


A/N: Bad chapter, but it's a filler. Also, this is coming to an end, it's gonna have about 10-12 chapters. So yeah just wanted to let ya'll know❤❤❤

A/N2: thank God it's almost over

Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now