Chapter 4

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Brian's POV

"Ugh yes Fred that's it don't stop baby keep going" Deaky said

I covered my face with a pillow.

"Wait we should tell Bri to join us" Freddie said

"Good idea"

There was a knock on the door

"Hey Bri it's Fred and Deaky, would you like to have a threesome with us?"

"WhAT?" I said opening the door

"Fred and I wanted you to join us and have a threeso- ughhhh"

"What, what is it?" Freddie said concerned

"Mywaterjustbroke" Deaky responded

"Excuse me what's happening?" I asked them

"Deaky baby what's wrong speak clearly" Freddie asked John again


"Your whAT?" I asked.

"Omg omg, they are here finally! We need to get to the hospital!" Freddie screamed

"Excuse me who's here?!"

"Our triplets!" Both John and Freddie said

"W h a t"

"Jesus Brian, he's pregnant for the last 9 months you should have noticed"

"Yeah Bri, why didn't you notice? DON'T YOU LOVE ME ANYMORE?"

"Can somebody explain to me what the happ is fackening?"

The bell rang

"Oh that must be our new pigeon" Freddie said excitedly

"Your what?"

"Oh, we've bought a pigeon as a couple. It's gonna be our new pet. Like the child we could never have?"

"But... you are just having triplets right now?"

"What are you talking about?" They both asked

The bell rang again

"Goodbye Brian"


Then I blacked out.

I opened my eyes to see that I was, in fact still in bed

Then I heard the phone ring

So, this was just a dream?

I hesitated, but I picked up the phone?


"Brian, it's already 8. You're gonna miss the first period. Where are you?" I heard John's voice through the phone

"Crap. Um... okay, I'm coming, thanks for ringing me, bye."

I hang up the phone

I got ready in under 3 minutes and ran downstairs. I decided to skip breakfast since I had no time left.

I entered my car and began driving. I was going fast and I had obviously passed the speed limit, but I simply didn't care. I couldn't miss the first day of school.

I was surely not gonna make it to the office before class to get my new schedule. Fuck. I should have asked John to take it for me since he was probably already there to use the phone.

I was in such a rush, I hadn't even noticed that everything was completely wet. It had probably rained earlier in the morning.

I wasn't even paying attention to the road. I was just praying I would make it on time.

I was running, when I saw a pond of muddy water in the middle of the road. I couldn't stop, so I just ignored it. But right when I passed through it, I noticed a guy on the pavement. The water splashed him and left him utterly wet. I wanted to stop and apologize, but I had no time, so I just brushed it off.

After a while, I arrived at school. I had managed to get there on time. I entered the building and saw a very worried Deaky right in front of me.

"What happened? Where have you been?" He asked me


"Oh okay. I took your schedule. I thought you would want me to since you were late"

"I did. Thanks, Deaky"

"No problem"

There was a moment of silence. Eventually, I spoke up



"Please tell me you are not pregnant or adopting some kind of pigeon"

"........ I'm not????"

"Oh thank god"

"Brian, what the actual fuck?"

"Ignore it please"


"It's weird without Freddie around, huh?" I said trying to change the subject.

Freddie graduated last year. He decided not to go to university. He got a job at a clothes market and worked there from Tuesday to Friday.

"Yeah. But we'll see him afterward. And we still have the drummer auditions later"

"Yeah. We need a drummer. Do you know how many people are going to audition?"

"Well, this morning they were three. But maybe more will call Freddie while we're here"

"Maybe" I said

"Well we better go to class"

"Yeah see you later" I told him, having completely forgotten about lessons

"Bye," he said and left

6:30 pm

The auditions had started. We had already auditioned the first 3 guys. Another guy had called while Deaky and I were at school.

"Next" Freddie yelled

"Fred, no one was good enough" I said

"Don't lose hope darling, we still have one left, and I have a good feeling about this one"

"Okay" I simply shrugged

Then the door opened. And he walked in.

"Hi, I am Rogah Tay-" he stopped talking

"You" we both said sounding as cold as ice.


A/N: Andd they finally met. Okay I don't know what exactly is going on here, but I just wrote it when I had no wifi so yeah.I know this fanfic is shit, but I have nothing better to do. Also l, I still can't believe people are actually reading this, thank you so much.

A/N2: This is the worst chapter I have ever written in my life what the fuck was I thinking

Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now