Chapter 3

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Roger's POV

It was Monday morning. It was raining, and all I wanted to do was lay in bed all day and do nothing. But of course, that couldn't happen because I can't have a single moment for myself in this freaking house.

Anyway, I had just woke up from a troubled sleep, and I was planning on going to sleep again when I heard my mother's voice
I knew that if I didn't do as she said she would probably burst into my room and throw a bathtub of water on my face, so even if I didn't want to, I got up.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, got dressed in my school uniform, and went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Morning" I said to my mum and Clare.
"Good morning Roggie" Clare responded

I decided to have cereal for breakfast.
Of course, the entire time I was eating mom was telling me how important it is for me to have good grades, do my homework, and all that stuff, because, I only have this and another year left of high school, and then I have to go to university.

I'm not planning on going thought. I want to have a musical career. But of course, my mother wanted me to study biology. It was her dream to become a biology teacher, but then she got pregnant with me, so of course, that dream was carried on to me.
I've always wanted to be a musician. When I was 7, my dad bought me my first guitar. I had gotten excited and learned how to play it in just a year. But after a while, I lost my passion for it. It just wasn't the right instrument for me, you know? So, when I turned 9, I convinced my parents to buy me my first drum kit.

It was really expensive, and we had to get rid of many stuff so we could fit the drums in the basement, but it was worth it. I loved playing the drums, it was just making me so happy. I still love them, and I want to be a drummer in a band. I want to be famous. But last time I was in a band, our lead singer, Tim, was caught taking drugs. He is not dead, or in jail, however, his parents don't allow him to leave the house without them anymore.

Anyway, I took my school bag and left the house. It had stopped raining, but everything was still very very wet. I was in no mood to go to school, I hated it. Students have to sit in a chair for like 7 hours a day, and do absolutely nothing but listen to some nonsense that they don't even know if they're going to need in their life at all.

I was almost at school, when this random dude and his car, showed up. I'm pretty sure he was either drunk or running for his life. He passed right in front of me, and he splashed me with muddy water. I got soaked. I just stayed there, for a good 5 minutes, looking at my clothes. I was already late for school, I was completely wet and I was convinced that if I stayed in that street another minute I would catch pneumonia. So I had no other choice but to go home and change.

I started to walk home when I noticed a vibrant poster. It caught my eye, and I started to move towards it. When I got close enough to read it, I got super excited. It was an audition poster. A band named Queen was looking for a drummer. Even though the poster was soaked from the rain, I took it and ran home.

I entered the house, knowing that I was home alone. Mom was at work and Clare was at school. I hurried to the bathroom and took a hot shower to warm myself up. After that, I put my wet clothes in the laundry bag and wore some nice and clean ones.
I went downstairs again and dialed the number on the poster.
"Hello, this is Freddie Mercury speaking"
"Hi, I'm calling for that audition poster I found. I play the drums"
"That's great! The auditions start today at 6:00 pm. The address is written on the poster."
"Okay, thank you I'll see you there"
"Okay, darling. Could you please give me your name?"
"Roger Taylor"
"Okay Roger see you at 6:00". Don't be late"
"I won't. Bye"

I hang up the phone. I was pretty much thrilled about the audition. I always had a passion for drums, and I wanted to do something about it.

I decided I should probably go back to school. I had already missed the first period, but if I hurried, I could make it to the second. I left the house, and run to school. Luckily, I managed to get there on time, and I had another 10 whole minutes before the second period started. I decided to go to the office to get my new schedule since I missed the morning registration class.

I had math for the second period. Great. I hated math.

The only thing I hated more than math about the school, was Pauline. She was a real pain in the ass. She had a crush on me since kindergarten. She was always trying to get my attention and make me date her. Last year, I made out with her once, hoping that after that she would stop following me around. Boy was I wrong. She was even more addicted to me after it if that's even possible.

It's not that she's bad looking, quite the opposite. She's just super annoying and so not my type. I don't like blondes.

I entered the class and sat on the back. The lesson was just about to start when the door opened and Pauline came in.
"I am so so so so so sorry mister. I had to check my lipstick and I couldn't leave the bathroom without it being perfect. So I stayed there unti-"
"It's fine Pauline just sit down"
Mr. Harold said
"Thanks" Pauline responded.

Since Pauline was late, there was only one seat left. And guess where that was? That's right, right in front of me.
She immediately sat there. She took her books out of her bag and winked at me. I simply ignored her. I was very annoyed at the fact that I would have to sit behind her for an entire hour. Luckily those seats were not permanent.

"Okay class," Mr. Harold said
"I hope you like your seats because you are gonna be sitting like this for the rest of the year" he continued
Umm.. excuse me, W H A T?!?
So I'll have to sit behind Pauline for the rest of the year? I already have to deal with her at lunch, I don't need her to tell how much she wants me during class.
"Could I please use the restroom?" I asked
"Go ahead," Mr. Harold said, and I left the classroom.


A/N: Omg, I can't believe people are actually reading this. I know this is boring but it gets better in the next chapter. Thank you for wasting your time reading this nonsense❤

Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now