Chapter 6

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1 month later

Roger's POV

Three months had passed. Three months of being in Queen, and honestly, joining this band was the best decision I've ever made. Deaky and Freddie were the most amazing friends I could ever wish for. The album had gotten quite a lot of attention, and I have to admit, we were sounding great. And Brian was... well, Brian.

I still don't get why he hates me. It's not that I did something wrong, except that thing at the beach, but that had nothing to do with the band!
Also, I recently realized that I'm gay. Or bisexual. Yeah anyway, I like boys.
And that might or might not be because of Brian Harold May.

I never thought I liked boys until I met him. Ever since then, he doesn't leave my mind. But he hates me. So there's a 100% chance that we will never date. But you know what, it's just a stupid crush. I'm gonna get over it eventually, right?

Freddie knows that I like Brian. And so does John. But I am not planning on telling Brian. Nah ah. Never. Nope, not happening. Brian doesn't even know that I like boys at all.

When I told Freddie I liked boys, he got so excited, He wanted to throw an 'all members of Queen are gay' party. But I convinced him to just have a quiet night at the bar. As quiet as it can be when you're doing anything with Freddie.

We ended up getting absolutely shit faced and swimming in a very very cold lake. Freddie caught a cold, and I nearly froze to death, but we were drunk and thought it was funny.

The school was pretty much the same shit. I got the worst grades, because I didn't bother to study at all, and Pauline was acting worse than usual.

Last week, while we are at lunch break, she shoved me in an empty classroom, completely undressed, and demanded me to fuck her. Of course, I left. I don't want to fuck her. Never. At all.
I was in the living room, watching Tv. It was just me and Claire since mum had an extra shift today. Claire was sleeping, and I had nothing better to do than watch a crappy movie on Tv. Band practice was canceled today because Brian was sick. I hope he gets better soon. He doesn't actually care what I think, but anyway...

I had just decided to go and have a shower when the doorbell rang. It was raining cats and dogs outside, so who could that be?

I answered the door only to find a soaking Freddie. He looked absolutely miserable.
"What the hell are you doing here at 12 am?"
"I needed to talk to someone"
"Why, did something happen?"
"Well... sort of.."
"Oh come in, you'll catch your death"

Freddie was now dripping all over the floor. But he was my best friend. There was no way I was gonna let him sit there for another minute. Especially when he came all the way here just to talk to me.

"Did you walk here?"
"Okay, you know what. Go to the kitchen. Make yourself a hot cup of tea, and I'll bring you dry clothes. You are here all the time so you know where everything is"
"I do, blonde boy, thanks"
"You're welcome"

I ran into my room, and opened the closet, trying to find some 'Freddie Mercury appropriate' clothes. Eventually, I took a blue hoodie with a crown in the back and some bell-bottom jeans.

I hurried downstairs to give them to Freddie.
"Thanks," he said and started undressing.
I did not feel awkward with him being semi-naked in front of me. We were best friends. And I had seen much more than just his chest, that night I came out. Yeah, we swam naked.

"So, what happened?" I asked when he was fully clothed and sipping his tea
"It's Deaky"
"What? What happened? Is he okay? Is he hurt? Did he hurt you? OMG DON'T TELL ME YOU BROKE UP. I SWEAR TO GOD-"
"Jesus Roger, chill. Yes, he is okay, and no we did not break up"
"Oh, okay then. Did you guys have a fight or something?"
"Okay, then what the hell happened that's so important that you needed to burst into my house at 12:00 am?" I asked

"I... I think I'm in love with him"
There was a second of comfortable silence. Then I screamed

"What if... what if he doesn't feel the same way? What if he breaks up with me when I tell him?"

"That's what you're worried about?" I asked.
He simply nodded.
"Don't be silly" I continued
"I know John. I've seen the way he looks at you. The way he speaks about you. How happy he is when you enter the room. You're gonna tell him you love him, and then he will say that he loves you too because he does, Freddie. I know he does"
"Yeah but we've been together for barely even a month. What if it's too soon?"
"It's not too soon. You've known him since what? 3rd Grade? It's not too soon Fred. You guys are meant to be together, you are made for each other- Fuck I sound like Brian"
"Yeah, but you like Brian"
"This has NOTHING to do with my stupid crush on space poodle, and everything to do with you being in love with Deakster!"
"Are you in love with Brian?"

I didn't answer. I actually didn't know how to answer. I loved him, but I hated him at the same time? Did I love to hate him? Did I hate to love him?
"I.. I don't know. But don't change the subject becau-"
"Omg, you are!"
"I am not!"
"Yes, yes you are! You are just like me, you know that?"
"I am NOT in love with Brian!"
"Who's in love and who is Brian?" Claire said.

Fuck. Freddie and his loud as fuck yelling woke her up.
"Ummm Brian is... Brian is my... my teddy bear. Yeah, that's it. And Freddie... he was telling me about a... dragon being in love with Brian. And I said 'i' but I meant 'he'. He is not in love with Brian. Because Brian is a teddy bear and... and dragons aren't real. Now go back to sleep, Goodnight I love you bye!" I said terrified. It's not that she knew I was bisexual. I'm not sure if she knew what bisexual means.

"Okay... Goodnight Roggie... and tell your dragon that he can be in love with whoever he wants to." She said and left

Then Freddie started again, more quietly this time
"Roger is in love with Brian!" He sang
"Shut up." I said turning as red as a tomato
"Awww don't worry, as your very smart sister said, the dragon can be in love with whoever he wants to!"
"Dragons aren't real"

There was I pause
"Thanks, Fred" I said
"For what darling?"
"For being such an amazing friend"
"Awww you big softie come here" he said and opened his arms for me to hug him, which I obviously did.

"Do you want to have a sleepover?"
"Don't see why not. But I don't have my stuff"
"I have an extra toothbrush you can use. Your clothes are gonna be dry by morning, so you can wear those. And I'll give you a pair of pyjamas"
"Drink?" I asked
"Hell yeah" he said, and the party started


A/N: Kinda filler chapter. Also, this is not related at all, but I NEED NEW FUCKING HARDZZELLO CONTENT

A/N2: I don't want to comment on my writting again, bc we allknow it's awful, BUT, it's been a year and i still need new hardzello content

Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now