Author's note

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Okay, so here's the thing.

I wrote this what, a year ago? Two years ago? I don't know. A lot has happened since. I've educated myself, and I know that writing this type of fanfiction about two existing people can be offensive.


I was really dumb and stupid and yeah.

This is also the first story I ever wrote. So you know it's bad. The grammar ain't it.

But English is not my first language. So that's my excuse ig. It's still bad tho.

You can read this if you want to. Obviously, I am not gonna stop you. I've kept this posted for a reason. And that is showing you that compared to this, your writing isn't bad. So I've kept this up to make new writers feel better about themselves.

I'm such a nice person ❤️✨💅♥️☔✨🧚🥰🧚✨🌺😠👄👽⚡😂🥀✌️🥀😙👄😂

But yeah. That's all. It's a generally awful story.

It's fucking everything for me💅🥰✨

I hate myself.

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Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now