Chapter 11

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A/N: Okay hi guys sup. So I just wanted to say that the first chapter takes place in 1970. If you want of course you can change the date, that's just how I imagined it to be💛

10 years later

Roger's POV

It was summer again. The summer of 86. Our latest concert in Wembley was a huge success. The stadium was filled with fans, and I enjoyed every second of it.

I was on the beach, along with my husband Brian who I love very much, and my beautiful 7-year-old daughter. Me and Bri decided to start a family. And I loved it. I loved our life together. I loved being with him. I loved him. I loved Eliza, the greatest daughter I could ask for. Our family was the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I was not planning on giving it up. Not now, not ever.

Brian had gone swimming, and I was making a sandcastle with Eliza. I looked around. That beach. That beach was engraved deep into my memory.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt it. That pain. That familiar pain. Sand.

Brian laughed. God, I loved his smile.
"It's just sand. Besides, it reminded me of the old times" he said
"Yeah" I smiled at him, ignoring the huge bruise on my face.

"Daddy! Play with us!" Eliza said
"Alright" Brian responded. He kissed the top of her head and sat down
"What are we making?" He continued
"A castle!" She said
I looked at them. God, I loved this.

We spent our entire evening like this, making castles and telling jokes. Suddenly, Brian got up.
"I'm gonna pack our stuff. It's pretty late, so we should probably start heading home. You two meet me at the car in ten minutes" he smiled at us
"Alright" I said and kissed him
"Daddy?" Eliza asked when Brian left
"Yes, sweetie?" I responded
"How did you and dad met?" She said
I smiled

"Well, it all started on this beach, one Sunday afternoon, when I went to buy a doughnut..."


A/N: And that's it. It's done. So, I have a few stuff to say.
Firstly, I would like to thank you guys for reading this. I have to say, I got the idea for this story when I was on the beach with my best friend. She randomly said "imagine if two people fought over the last doughnut on the beach and then got married" and boom. I wrote this. So, I have to say thank you to her, for giving me an idea of what to write when I am doing nothing because i have no life.
Secondly, I want to say that this is crap and I can't believe I wrote it. But you know what? I don't regret doing it. It was fun.
And yeah, just thank you all. Ily💛💛💛 

A/N2: If you are still here, first of all thank you for putting up with this shit, secondly please don't attack me I know it's bad

Wow I really have no life.

Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now