Chapter 5

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2 months later

Brian's POV

Two months had passed. Two excruciating, long months. School had started for real. I had tons of homework and many hours of band practice.

Speaking of the band, Roger had gotten the job. I have to admit, he was pretty brilliant. As a drummer. A pretty brilliant drummer. Yeah, that's it.

Roger, Deaky, and Freddie had gotten very close. They were inseparable. Especially Fred and Roger. They were the naughty ones. But for me and Roger? Our relationship was a little more complicated. We were very good frenemies. I liked the guy, but I still thought he was crazy. We would argue over everything. Everything. Even the color of the sky. We couldn't spend a day without fighting. Whenever we were alone, we would end up screaming at each other. I'm pretty sure that this happened because of what had happened at that beach. They say that first impressions are very important after all. Anyway, the point is, I and Roger were constantly in a fighting mode. Constantly. That's why Freddie and John barely leave us alone with each other anymore.

I had been studying for literally 5 hours straight. I had a very important test tomorrow and I wanted to Ace it. The boys were going to come over in about 30 minutes. We would often go to each other's houses, most of the time we were practicing. We were writing songs, then playing them, trying to create a second album.

Our first one had gotten quite successful. We did not make a lot of money, but the album had gotten popular here in London.

I was almost done with my homework when I heard my mother's voice.

"Honey, your friend Roger is here!"
"Okay" I shouted

A minute later, Roger entered the room.
"Hi Bri"
"Hi crazy guy"
"Stop calling me that"
"I'll think about it"
I sighted." Were are the others?" I asked
"Well Freddie is at work so he'll come a bit later, and Deaky should be on his way"

"Can I ask you a question?" He said
"It depends. About what?" Now my opportunity of finishing my homework was gone.
"Deaky and Fred"
"Go on then"
"Are they dating?"
"Are they?"

I had no idea what he was talking about. Literally. Freddie and John were best friends. But that's it. In my eyes at least.
"No, why do you think they are?" I said
"Well, I've seen the way they're looking at each other. And whenever I ask if they have a crush on somebody, they immediately blush and change the subject" he replied
"Well just because you think they are, it doesn't mean that they are"
"I'm just asking"
"No, that's the problem, you misjudged it. You misjudge everything"
"Calm down, I just asked a question."
"You should ask fewer dump questions"
"I can't ask clever questions if I'm not clever"
"Oh, you are clever. You are just very stubborn"
"I am not!"

At this point we were both shouting
"Oh, you are. Pardon my language but you are a real pain in the ass!"
"And you... you... you are..... Badgers are stupid!" He said.
"H O W D A R E Y O U"
"You heard me!"
"And you, you are a crazy psychopath, with no self-control. And you have fucked so many girls, you have started to look like one!"
"At least I have somebody to fuck!"

"Hey hey hey hey what's going on?"
John said entering the room
"Oh hi, John. Well mister Blonde barbie over there, said that you and Freddie are dating. I told him that he was saying bullshi-"
"But we are" Deaky said
Okay. Okay okay, what? WHAT?
"What?!" Both I and Roger yelled
"Since when?" I asked
"Omg, you have to tell me everything. Did you kiss him?" Roger asked, clearly excited
"Well, I went to his house this morning, to take a book I had forgotten yesterday, and then he leaned in and kissed me, just as I was about to leave! Of course, I kissed him back but then...."

I didn't bother listening anymore. It's not that I wasn't happy for them, because I was. But, I just felt... lonely. Everyone has somebody to love, well Roger is single but at least people are drooling all over the floor for him. But not me, no no no I didn't like Roger that way, of course, I didn't. But still. I just thought that they would mock me because I was the only lonely guy in the band.

Half an hour later, Freddie came. We practiced a good three hours in my basement, and then Freddie and Roger decided to go buy us some snacks.

I was left alone with John.
"Hey" he said
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
"Well, when I told you about me and Fred, your reaction wasn't exactly the best. And you seem down"
"Oh no no no don't worry. I am happy for you and Freddie, I am"

"Is it because you and he used to date?"
"No Deaks, really I am happy for you. Very happy. You deserve this, you have earned it. You two are made for each other. I just... don't want to be the only single guy in the band"
"Don't worry, you're not gonna be single for long"
"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on Brian. We both know that you have a crush on Roger"


A/N: Yeet

A/N2: Yeah, I should. I should YEET myself off a bridge

Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now