Chapter 8

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Roger's POV

"Brian you need to help me" I said. I had been stuck in there for at least 3 minutes, plus seven hours I was locked in the cupboard

"Well, I am trying!" He said

I can't believe that I came out to Brian. Just like that. And now, he will find out that I am in love with him, and he will reject me, and then I will get depressed, and I will never find love, and I am gonna end up being old, handsome, and useless!



"Can we talk about it?"


"About what?" I acted cluelessly

"The fact that you are gay"

"There's nothing else to say"

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

I told the others. But I couldn't tell you because I am in love with you.

"Didn't think it was necessary"

"Did the other two know about it?"







I looked at his eyes. His pretty hazel eyes. The eyes that I loved. I leaned in. I was just so horny at this point, and the fact that my dick was pressed by the cupboard didn't help.

He leaned in too. We got closer, and closer, and closer, and then


Seriously? They ruined my Fucking moment. Couldn't they be quieter at least?

Brian immediately pulled away. I had one chance to kiss him. One. And Deaky and his screaming ruined it. He's gonna pay for this.

"Little horny brats" Brian said trying to change the subject.

"Yeah" I said

Awkward silence. Why the fuck did I try to kiss him? Why? WHY? He probably hates me now.

Meanwhile, John and Freddie were still screaming each other's names, and the only thing I wanted to at this point, except getting Fucked by Brian, was to go in there and throw a brick at their faces.

"We really need to get you out of there" Brian said.

"We do"

"Okay, I'm gonna pull you from your hands, and you are gonna push. Ready?"


"One two three"

20 minutes later

It was our gazillionth time trying to get me out of there. Freddie and Deaky had fallen asleep about a minute ago.

"Okay, one last try. If this doesn't work, I am breaking the closet" Brian said

"It's a cupboard"

"I don't care"


"One, two, three!" He said.

This time, he managed to get me out of the cupboard. I landed on top of him, and just stayed there for a moment, looking at him. Then, I had it again. The sudden urge to kiss him.

Doughnut/Donut A Maylor Fanfiction (Brian May x Roger Taylor)Where stories live. Discover now