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Evani's college attire

Evani's POV

He entered in all his glory, giving that cute and kind smile to everyone and strode to the middle of the room. All the other mentors stood beside him talking to him for a few minutes before one of the mentors shouted "EVERYBODY, ATTENTION OVER HERE FOR A FEW MINUTES THEN YOU CAN GO BACK TO YOUR GAME"

when all the students settled and looked at the mentors with all the attention they could summon, the mentor continued in a slightly raised voice "This is Aarush and he is in the second year and also one of the mentors of this game. he will be here now onwards helping you guys out along with the other mentors."

Soon, everyone turned and started concentrating on their own game and the mentors started taking round and my fate being MY fate, Aarush sir stood beside me observing our game with amusement in his eyes when he looked towards me and i immediately averted my gaze, burning red in embarrassment. he chuckled lightly and left to the table beside us and i took a sigh of relief as i was not able to think properly with him standing beside me looking at me intently.

Suddenly, Karan shook me lightly bringing me back to the present and i made my move. the whole evening was spent on me and Karan playing the game intently and whenever he came at our table, my breath hitched and i was not able to think straight. I was thinking about my next move after my opponent killed one of my pawns, when he bent down and whispered near my ear making me shiver a little and again getting red in embarrassment "play the Knight to the left forward and kill his Bishop" and turned away again to the other table.

i looked him at the corner of my eyes and sighed in relief yet again when he turned to the people at the other side of the room and played the move he suggested and i must say, the move he suggested was brilliant as over the few more moves, i had my opponent's queen killed and him checkmate. I had won 2 in a match of 3. i was preparing to take my bag and leave when suddenly i felt a presence beside me and i looked up seeing Aarush sir standing close to me, collecting his own belongings and preparing to leave when out of nowhere, he turned towards me and looked at me with raised eyebrows. i again got a beet red blush all over me in embarrassment and i again heard a light chuckle, i looked through my eyelashes seeing him in all his handsomeness and cute glory made me feel like i am in a parallel dimension and nothing except him existed.

i quickly said him a quick goodbye and came out running and stopped panting in front of the mess to have an early dinner and retired to my room and complete the works given in college today. As i got my dinner along with my friends and came to sit at the table i saw a group of people enter the mess but i was too busy checking my messages to notice anyone so i ignored them and continued having my dinner. after i finished i waited for my friends to finish so we could leave together.

i called my parent meanwhile since it's been a whole day since i have talked to them and i missed them a bit. " hello maa, how are you? how is dad?" i asked my mom as soon as she answered her phone. " we are all fit and fine.. how about you how are you? how was your day? any cute guy there???" she asked and laughed a bit. i smile shyly knowing every bit how right my mom was. soon after a few minutes, we cut the call and i was walking back to the mess distractedly when i shoulder bumped someone AGAIN!!! What's up with me... how can i be so clumsy suddenly??? i looked up to see those same brown eyes that i saw in the morning looking at me in amusement.

"CLUMSY GIRL!!!! look where are you going.... dont bump into people all the time!!" he said and laughed a bit and i stood in front of him smiling shyly and i bet i am red in embarrassment yet again... WHY GOD WHY!!!!!!?????

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