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I came to the class and saw the 3 boys waiting for me. I quickly sat besides them and they gestured towards their watches. I said a meek sorry and took my stuff out. The lecture started and as usual it was boring. In the middle of the lecture, I saw a paper slid to me. I opened it and it said

White is pretty and you are cute, together it will be pretty cute. Lets go to the place we had our first meal, and then lets talk and seal the deal? ~Aarush

I wrote a yes, at 8 and slid the paper back to him. He saw and gave me a wide smile and a thumbs up. After the lecture I rushed to another lecture. By 5 I was free from all the classes and had to meet saatvik sir. I went to the beckhem garden and stood there waiting for him. He came and we say down at a bench nearby. "Look I liked you ever since I saw you. You are pretty. You are good. Will you be my girlfriend??" He said suddenly. I looked at him stunned in silence as if he had grown 2 heads and was speaking a foreign language.

"Hello? My answer? If you want time please take it..." he clicked his fingers in front of my face making me come out of my daze. "Umm.... sir you're really sweet and kind and amazing but I'm sorry. I like someone else. I'm sorry sir." I said sadly with guilt. "No problem. Just be happy. I liked you, I told you. You should tell him that too. Its better to let it all out!" He said with a small smile. Now I feel even more bad for him.

I stood up and smiled at him and left for the hostel. I came back and took a short nap before attacking my wardrobe. "What happened here? Why does it look like a bomb blasted here!!??" Aakansha entered the room and said.

"Thank god you came aakansha. I have nothing to wear. Please find something nice white colour for me to wear. I have a date tonight with aarush. I want to look good" i cribbed like a child to her. She took out a aqua blue-green shirt and a white skirt with white sneakers. "Thank you. You are bæ. Muahhhhh...." I said and air kissed her before heading to the bathroom. I came out and quickly dud my hair before taking my bag and phone.

I went to the hostel gate to see Aarush waiting for me. How sweet!! I thought. We both walked to the restaurant outside the college where we had our group dinner. "Oh i thought we were going in the college one but ok..." I said blushing embarrassed. "Let's go up and sit there." He said and took my hand and walked upstairs. I walked behind him.

I couldn't look because of his tall body in front of me but the moment he slid to my side and my gaze met the decorations in front of me, i gasped and got blurred eyes from the tears. It was beautiful and everything that i liked. At one corner was a board with my photos from the past. Even my best friend collage and school photos. OH MY GOD! IT IS SO OVER WHELMING AND SWEET. I AM CRYING 😭😭

I loved it. I hugged him tightly not wanting to let go. He hugged me back tightly. After a few moments he left me and took me to the center where there was not favourite food. I looked at the food for a few minutes and then at him. Just looking into his mesmerising eyes feeling calm. How can he be so sinfully handsome and yet so calm!

He suddenly took my hand and said "I know its been a short time since we've met but i assure you. You are not perfect but you are for me. Even your flaws are perfect according to me. You're beautiful, you're smart, you're independent, all round all you're amazing. With you time goes away so fast. Nothing is boring. There is always something to talk about, something to feel, something to say. You bumped into me and i couldn't take my eyes off you. You stood up for yourself and your friends. You believe in yourself. You help people so much. You make me feel things which people have resented once they felt but i want to feel those hidden emotions again but this time along with you. With you by my side, i will try my best to protect you, to cherish you, to fulfill all my promises, to be your best friend no matter what, to be that senior and movie partner with whom you can read your books, to be the family away from family that takes care of you like a little baby, to be that boyfriend that keeps you happy and just be there for you. Always and forever....." He said.

By the end i was in tears. And i hugged again tightly like my life depended on it and cried. Cried badly that i would have had puffy eyes till now. He is so amazing and sweet, i could never imagine anyone else than him from the first moment I've seen him, the first moment I've seen his gorgeous smile. I couldn't stop liking that guy! And won't ever.

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