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Evani's POV

Advik and i after the infirmary headed to the cafeteria/mess. We had bonded a bit while getting ourselves checked. It seems like he got a sprain in his wrist and waist and i got a major or near to fracture sprain in my  hand and tailbone. After getting to the mess we started to talk more and more and started to stuff our face with food as we both were super hungry after our body took that hits.

After eating we hung out at the library and shared our mutual love for novels. Now i can say i have gotten my first close friend at college. Together we attended our last lecture of the day which was together fortunately and went to the library together to complete our assignments for the day and bond over books and coffee.

Soon, we were on our way to our hostel building but suddenly it started raining massively so we ran under a umbrella park to shelter ourselves but to our bad luck or dismay we ended up in the couple's block or umbrella as it is called. So we started reading our respective novels under the umbrella ignoring all the people around and the other person.

After what seemed like 2 hours we realised that it had stopped raining so we bid ourselves and returned to our respective rooms and promised to see each other at the mess. After entering my room, I freshened up and revised what was taught today a bit and headed towards the mess texting Advik about leaving for the mess so he could leave his room and come to the mess as well.

We had our dinner together and talked every second of it and it turned out that even our food preferences were also same. And all this while, our friends looked at us smirking and we both knew what their smirk was implying but we were too careless to actually care. After we finished dinner, we headed to the market outside along with out friends to grab some dessert and then headed to our rooms.

After coming back to the room, I went under the blanket and came under the comfort of my blanket. After a while of reading and writing, I opened my Instagram to check my feed and messages.

I opened a text to see a message from Aarush sir. "Hey. How are you now?? ☺😅". I don't know why but a simple text like this put a smile on my face and his cute and handsome and smiling face appeared in front of my eyes. I looked at the timing and realised that the text was sent 10 mins before. I immediately replied to the text " Thank you so much for your help sir. Me and Advik both are fine but are suggested some rest as we both occurred some serious injury and we both are thankful for your help. Had you not been there helping us, we don't know how we would've reached the infirmary. Thank you so much once again sir.....! 😁😁☺☺😅😅"

After that I started replying to the other text messages I had received. After 2 mins, my phone pinged and a message appeared. I saw whose text it was and it turns out to be Aarush sir. I opened the chat to see his text.  "AH!! no problem. how is your pain now? what did the doctor say? like except rest and medicine what happened to you!?"

i smiled at his concern and typed back "yaa still pains a lot but a bit bearable. the doctor said i need to take long rest as it was a near fracture injury. and it would take 1-2 weeks." instantly a text came "Oh! so what's up??" to which i replied "ahhh!! nothing just damn bored and finished all assignments so opened ig for a while and was casually texting people back and watching memes. what about you sir????"

"nothing much. just trying to make a new friend but idk if i'm being successful or not!!"

"why so?" i asked confused!

"i am trying to make you my friend if you dont get it *FYI*!!!" he replied.

"oh shit! sorry sir, i would definetly be your friend gladly but then what would i have in return!!??" i asked teasingly!


"NOW!!!!????' i asked excitedly.

"YEA SURE. meet me infront of the mess" he replied

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