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Evani's POV

I reached the mess and took and food and ate it silently while my friends were chatting and giggling every few minutes which frustrated me to no end but i was sitting silently listening to their gossip. the door opened and the once bubbly mess suddenly turned silent as the grave, since i was not in the mood for any shit so, i ignored it and finished my food and stood up to leave and my friends looked along with all the students looked wide-eyed at me gaping in surprise and shock and since i did not understand what was it about, i turned towards the door and left. as soon as i left the mess, i heard a few footsteps following me so i turned to see who was it since i felt it was a little creepy.

i turned to see a group of seniors following me so i greeted them. "Good Evening, sirs and ma'ams!" and looked down. "You left the mess without seeing us! why?" one of the ma'am said. "Oh! sorry maam but i was not really in my mind today so didn't notice you sitting or you coming in the mess. i am extremely sorry maam" i said with a small embarrassing smile. "It's ok. dont worry about it and if you ever want to talk to someone or have any problem just come to us. ok?" one of the sirs said and i could see him appraising me from top to bottom which had me kinda irritated at first but then, i turned myself to normal and replied them. "Thank you so much sirs and ma'ams but i need to go and complete my assignments so would you please excuse me!?"

"Ok. goodnight, you can go but remember next time pay attention and always greet your seniors." one of them said. after that, they turned around and left-back to the mess and i turned towards the path for the hostel. i came back and started doing my assignments and completed in 1-2 hours. Wow, today was the work less or i had more speed?? i wondered inside my head.

i went inside the blanket and opened my Instagram and looked at the messages pending from last week. i opened each one of them and replied after i was done with that, i opened my follow request box and was surprised to see a request from Satvik sir. i accepted his request and requested to follow him back so i dont look rude.

after a while on looking memes (i love that shit) and listening to music, i slept.

i woke up in the morning and freshened up for my class and went to the mess to have some coffee as my body was paining like hell. why was it paining, i had taken medicines and rest! how bad was the fall?? but ignoring the pain i walked mindlessly to my class drinking coffee. thank god i did not bump into anyone and fall this time otherwise i would definitely have a fracture of some part of my body.

i quickly went inside the class and took my seat and waited for the professor to come. after he came and started the lecture, he told us that after this lecture, there will be a few combined classes of our class and a senior class of the same subjects. after a few more minutes of time waste, the lecture got over and all of us left but luck did not favor me this time again as i was going towards the other class when someone bumped into the rush and ran while i fell on someone else..... PLEASE LET IT NOT BE THE 2 PEOPLE I HAVE BUMPED INTO BEFORE PWEASEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I saw the person i fell on was lying on the ground alongside me groaning in pain same as me. i stood up with all my courage and helped him too but he leaned too much into me causing me to stumble on the railing. Thankfully Aarush sir was near so he helped him get off me and he composed himself a bit then started groaning in pain again so i decided to skip both our lectures and visit the doctor. We started talking a bit and i got to know his name is Advik and he is also a fresher like me and it is in the next batch to me. all the time Aarush sir was helping him walk to the infirmary. reaching there, i turned around to thank him but i saw he already left. it disappointed me a little but i didn't let it get to me.

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