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I met aarush sir in front of the mess and both went to the best dessert cafe in the city campus. that place has the best desserts that i can kill for! Instantly, out of reflex i hugged sirt and he suddenly became rigid. after a second i realised my mistake and got out of the one sided hug utterly embarrassed and bowed my head down hiding my red face. i secretly peeked up realising he too was blushing *SUCH A CUTIE!!!* and i started giggling seeing him all out of his senior stance and being relaxed and comfortable and soooooooo cute.

"So, still up for the dessert plan or wanna go back?" i asked teasingly to sir. "NO! no no no!!! lets get dessert na please. i wanna celebrate for making a new friend and also i love the dessert here and haven't been here for a while so even i'm very excited. come on" he replied and got inside the cafe and holding the door open for me from the other side.

we went to the cashier and started placing our order. "you first sir. please" i told sir. "no no! you first. ladies first na!!"he replied and all this while i noticed the cashier who was around our age was checking me out making me cringe.  so i quickly told the cashier "One red velvet cupcake with creamcheese frosting and one mascrapone cheescake please" he nodded and turned towards sir for his order. "One cookie and creme coffee and one nutella cheesecake." we both paid our bill and came to sit at the table near the cafe window. the cafe gave very comfy and cozy vibes letting all the stress out and relaxing your mind. some soothing cover songs were being played in the background giving the cafe-y vibes.

soon our order came and we both looked at the desserts with all the love that we could summon in our eyes. i started to eat without waiting for sir and took the first bite and moaned at its taste. only 2 words. PURE BLISS. i automatically went for the second scope and soon in 5 mins devoured the whole thing down and looked up at sir seeing his plate and mug empty and an amusing smile playing on his lips looking at me. i suddenly realised why he might be smiling and started blushing bowing my head down and letting my hair cover my face.

he chuckled and stood up and i stood up after him. we both walked out of the cafe near the garden enjoying our silence and the musical wind blowing and making me close my eyes feeling the cool, light air on my face. it wasnt an awkward walk but a comfortable one, where both of us were enjoying each other's company!

we walked to the girl's hostel gate where we had to bid good night. "Night sir! thank you so much for the desserts, i loved it and it was really good. next time my treat! ok?" i said. "no please dont thank me. i got a friend in return remember. but ok fine next time your treat and thanks for coming..." he trailed rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness. "night sir. i'll see you tomorrow....." i said. " Oh yes! in class and chess... definetly... i'll see you tomorrow. have a good night's sleep. byeeee!" he said and turned around and started walking. i too turned towards my hostel and started walking. i came inside the room seeing my 2 roommates lying on bed seeing something on the laptop.... maybe a new web series. i put my bag on my chair and laid besides them. noticing me they paused the episode and turned towards me questioningly. i raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"come on tell us where were you? whom were you with? we called you but you didnt pick up. even your parents called you  and maybe you didnt pick up so they called us and we told them you were sleeping. idiot why couldnt you pick you phone up. we were so worried you know." Akansha, one of the roommates said making me feel guilty.

"i am sorry guys i went out for dessert and maybe i put my phone silent during classes and didnt turn the ringer on. i'm sorry and thanks a tonnnn for saving my ass today. you guys are awesome...!!" i said kissing and hugging both of them together. "Ok fine! but you have to treat us dessert tomorrow and also you couldve taken us with you or informed us, we would've gone with you. unless......." Tarika, my other roommate said making eye contct with akansha talking through expressions which i understood at once. "....... you were on a date with someone and didnt want to be disturbed by phone or us or anyone for that matter..." akansha completed and i was speechless. "no guys it wasnt a date it was just a friendly dessert and nothing m ore and he's way too good for me and too high for my standards." i protested. but in return all i got was their smirking expression teasing me. "shut up guys and sleep" i said covering myself with the blanket fully and blushing a bit.

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