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I woke up in the morning to see the 2 ugly ducklings still sleeping with their make up I put yesterday night. I got up and got freshened up. Since today and tomorrow was the weekend we had late mess timings. I woke the 2 idiots up and headed to the mess. Today we had breakfast plans with the boys krish, Aadvik and Aarush sir along with me, Aakansha and tarika. I waited for everyone while sitting at a table and was looking at my messages when someone sat next to me. I looked up to see Satvik sir sitting besides me looking at me intently. Suddenly I felt weird and shy. Heat began to make its wake up my face. "Yes sir?" I asked raising my eyebrows a bit. He cleared his throat and said "nothing. Which branch are you from?" "Social sciences sir" I replied. "Oh. So......." he trailed. I looked at him confused. Before he could say more my friends came and stopped a few steps away from me. Seeing them I stood up and turned towards sir saying "it was nice meeting you sir but now I have to go. Good day!" And smiled a bit before leaving with my friends to get the food.

I stood in between Aarush sir and Aadvik and walked towards the food window. I ordered my food and then stood besides Aarush sir. "So.... what was sir saying to you??" He asked. "Nothing, he just sat besides me when I was waiting for you guys and then he started the topic about my major and my classes and he was about to say something but then you guys came and I bade him my bye and came with you guys... why? What happened?" I responded. He nodded and seemed in deep thought when our food came. I tapped him on his shoulder and he turned towards me and looked at me intently.

"Food...?" I asked confused. He nodded and took his food and handed me my food. We didn't wait for the others and started walking towards the large table that would accommodate all of us. We sat and waited for them so we can start our food when suddenly he looked towards me and said nervously "So umm.... how do you think about a dinner tonight. Just the two of us in the famous campus restraunt?"  I could see a blush making it up his face and it was one of the cutest and funniest things I've ever seen. I smiled a bit and replied teasingly "Sure. That would be great BUT is it a date??"  I raised my eyebrows and kept a straight face but my smile was threatening to out anytime now. He looked at me shocked and was about to reply when the rest of the group came to the table. He looked at them and then at me. I smiled and laughed a little at his cute face. He was such a cutie!!! 🙈❤️

We began eating our food and chatting when suddenly Aakansha like the devil she is said "What were you guys talking about? You guys seemed very interested and didn't notice us." And smirked at us. I rolled my eyes 🙄 and gave her a standing ovation of a very sweet finger of mine. She smirked more but said nothing. "Guys lets eat dinner together today na. We all are free today. What say?" Krish said. I swear I'm gonna break their necks one day if they go on like this. They are infuriating me. I really wanted to go on this dinner and these guys were NOT helping but I couldn't even tell them before asking sir. And also even if we do tell them, they are gonna tease us to no end which is even more irritating.

"Sorry guys. Not today. Lets go tomorrow na. We can take the bus to town and go to the mall. I mean me, tarika and Aakansha wanted to go the mall cause we had some work there. We can also go bowling and dinner and come back through the late bus at night! What say?" I asked them. All of them nodded and we spent the rest of breakfast silently eating. After we all were done we got up and made our way out. Of course me and Aarush sir were side by side and behind the whole group.

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