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The first lecture was that of the joint lecture and Aadvik had called me to inform that he was waiting outside my hostel. I quickly baḍe them my goodbye after telling them to meet us for lunch at the mess. I got outside and walked side by side with Aadvik to the mess to grab our breakfast before heading to the class. I wasn't in mood for food so I settled for a coffee instead of a full breakfast.

Me and Aadvik walked to the lecture and sat at our usual table in the lecture hall. Soon they came and I said "so guys have you guys decided the teams? We have to give the team list to sir too!" "You guys got into teams?" Krish asked back. We 3 shook our heads. "Great. We all should make a team. Shall we? We shall" krish asked and answered himself taking and cutting a paper before starting to write our names on it. Seeing this I chuckled and shook my head.

"Hey guys. Have you guys made into teams already or is anyone of you spare for the project or have not yet gotten into any team?" A girl suddenly came to us and asked. She was in 1st year and our class and course. I didn't know her name but I had seen her. "Actually we 4 are a team. Why though......?" I asked the girl. "Oh Ashana. I am Ashana. And I don't have any team so thought if any one of you is spare I can pair with them but its fine. Ill look for someone else" she said looking at all of us.

"Wait. Krish add her name in our team list as well. You are in our team Ashana. Don't worry." I said to her smiling at her. 😄😄 "come sit with us!" Aadvik said and blushed slightly looking at her. Oh my God! Aadvik has a crush!! Awww so cute 😍 I thought and playfully elbowed him in his ribs. He looked at me and pretended to glare at me to which I smirked and rolled my eyes at him.

The lecture started and after 45 minutes it ended to which we were really thankful for. "Ok guys hold up! I have chooseṅ my topics for the group projects but you haven't given me the list please give it to me before leaving today?" He said and sat down looking at some research reports. Krish stood up and went to him before giving him the list and taking our project pape from him. He came and passed us the paper.

The topic was ENVIORNMENT NOW AND THE AFTER EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEMS ON HUMANS AND EXISTENCE. I groaned and put my head on the table irritated. What the hell was this topic! It was interesting but had too much research in it. "Lets divide the work later and fir now lets go guys please. I'm bored!" I got up and so dud everyone nodding their head agreeing to me. "And Ashana if you want you can sit with us! You are welcome to join our maniac friends group." I said smiling evilly when all the three boys together said "heyyyy" accusation too obvious in their tone.

I just looked at them amused and looked at Ashana having the same look on her face. "Lets go!?" I said moving towards the door. We all went our sepeeate ways to attend our next classes. Me, Aadvik and Ashana walked together. My phone pinged to see a call from my mom. I stepped aside pressing the green button and signaling them to go to class. They kept walking. "Hey mom. How are you!? Sorry couldn't call you in a while. Was just too buys with studies and then we had a trip to town yesterday. How is papa?" I said in the phone.

"Everything is great sweetie. Just that me and your dad and your sibling miss you a lot. And don't worry I called Aakansha and tarika to know about my daughter." My mom said sarcastically which made me laugh. My mom is too cute and too funny. "Ok my superwoman now I have to go and attend my class. Ill call later ok! Bye" I said and cut the call. I walked to the class and sat besides Ashana. Soon the class was over and it was lunch time. Yayyy.

We entered the mess and sat down at the table krish and Aarush had already occupied. "What the hell man! Not again!" A irritated and frustrated voice said. I turned my head to see krish cursing. I had never seen krish cursing.

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