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We went inside the class and sat down next to each other. After the lecture ended we went to another class and soon break came. Looks like today's class weren't boring. We then went to a cafe on the campus and just sat there is silence with our thoughts and drinks. I suddenly asked him "hey, have you ever had an ex on your back??". "Hmmmm...... I have. Why do you ask?". "Nothing. Just like that...." I said. He looked at me for minute like he was reading me and then said "you know I've already told you this but I'll tell you this again anyhow. I. Will. Always. Be. There. For. You. Even. If. You. Don't. Want. Me. To. I'll always be there to listen to you. So i'll ask again. What happened?" He asked sternly.

"Nothing man, just an ex on my back pestering me. God!!!! I feel so angry right now. Its not really a strong topic for me. I really really liked that asshole but what he did make me hate him infinite times that I liked him." I said but at the end I had tears in my eyes. He softened and kept his hand on my hand and squeezed it and said "well..... as you said he is an asshole after all cause no one would ever hurt a person like you in their right mind. And now.... tell me what you did to release your anger yesterday cause I know you that much so no use denying so better confess quickly and same time. Both yours and mine cause class starts in half an hour."

"Uhmm...... i didn't do anything....." i trailed. He looked at me with the expression of better speak up before I make you and don't bother lying. "Ok ok fine. I went to tue sports complex. Did some rounds of boxing and then went to play tennis and then ran my ass out." I finished and he looked at me with disbelief. "Show me your hands and how many people did you defeat and are you ok???" He asked with concern evident on his face. "Yes yes. Stop overreacting. I'm fine. I defeated 2 people in boxing and a coach in tennis and no one in running cause it was just me running till I'm tired." I finished taking my hands forward for him to examine.

He looked at my injured hand and sighed. But I could still see the hint of smile of smile about to break out from his face. I pushed his shoulder smiling "enough idiot. I don't know why the hell are you even laughing!!!". " because my best friend just proved that she's not a nobody and is much stronger than I anticipated and also is a very strong and able fighter which I'm proud of." He said with pride in his voice for me which brought a small smile on my face. "Awwwwww you're gonna make me cry!!!! Now lets get to class after quickly finishing our drinks. I need to stop by the stationary in the middle" I said. "Ok. Lets go!"

We stopped by the stationary and hopped to the class making lame faces and jokes and laughing. It felt so good to share with someone and trust them and just breathe at peace for once. I looked at Aadvik and thanked God silently for him being in my life and making things so much easier for me. He reminded so much of Jai, my. Est friend back home. I haven't called that idiot in days. He will kill me. Have to do it soon. We came to the class we shared with senior and again we sat with Aarush sir and now one of his friends was sitting besides him talking. We greeted each other and he looked at me and Aadvik curiously waiting for us to be introduced. I offered my hand for a handshake in front of him "Hello sir! I'm evani and he's Aadvik. We are in the same class as you as you can see." I said. He shaked my hand and said " Hi. No need for the sir formality with me. I'm krishṇa but you call me Krish. Its shorter, cuter and cooler!" He said making a really cute ik I'm the coolest face.

I laughed at him and told him "sure sir... sorry krish. Nice to meet you but since you missed the first class and know the rules and projects of this class I assume.. lets concentrate on the professor." I indicated to the professor who just entered the class. The class went by with us taking notes and taking all information our mind could adjust. When the professor announce we were done we all breathed a sigh of relief and stretched a bit on our seats itself. "Guys. I already told you the time by which you should give me the topic of individual projects and team names of group project." He said and moved out of the class. As it was the last lecture of the day me, Aadvik, Aarush sir and Krish went to the mess to eat something.

Krish was looking at his phone while we were ordering when he suddenly said a little louder than normal voice "WHAT THE HELL!!!"

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