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I looked up to see aarush sir and Advik looking at me scared. Well why won't they be, an angry me is NOT a good me! I stood up with a bang leaving my food and rushed out of the cafeteria before I come in my destruction mode. I rushed to my hostel and took my gear bag and rushed to the sports complex. The complex is a part of our college itself and is the largest sports complex in the city for any college. I got in and submitted and noted the details in the register and moved towards the changing room. I changed and brisk walked to the boxing arena and saw few people exercising around the ring and 2 people in the ring boxing. I saw them take a break and come out of the ring. I entered the ring and a boy entered the ring behind me.

"You don't mind us boxing with you right. I mean you're a girl so......" he said. "No, I don't mind. Who goes first amongst you guys?" I asked. "Me" the boy who entered first said. " by the way, I'm Kartik and he is shwet. You?" Kartik said. "Evani. Lets start.....!" I said. We started boxing and HE WAS GOOD!!!! but at the last I blocked his legs and hands and soon he was defeated but I was still on my stance and not tired due to the anger at bay. Shwet came inside the ring and soon I defeated him too with a lot of effort. We then came out of the ring, greeted each other bye and I ran to the tennis court with my bag. I took out my racket and began to play against the wall but then the coach came and told me to play with him.

I played 3 sets with him in anger and won all of them but I was still not tired as I was bursting with anger inside me which i had stored for a longggggg time even before I came to college. I came to the running field and started running till I was tired. Soon I was tired so I came back to the complex and took a shower and changed my clothes, collected my stuff and made my way to the hostel. It was about to be 6 when I was finally free, tired and anger free. I dumped my bag in my room and headed to the mess to eat something. I hadn't seen my phone since I had left the canteen. I tried to turn it on but it was switched off and wouldn't start. Maybe the battery ran out. How stupid I am to not charge it properly.

I hungrily hogged on the food  and came back to my room. I let out a breath of tiredness and lied down on the bed and put my phone on charge. I didn't realise I was tiring myself so much but the good thing was it did relieve my anger and I didn't even have to do something horrible to feel better and calm. I felt happy and at peace. I opened my phone to see more than 100 notifications. I didn't want to see them so I kept my phone aside and looked up at the roof thinking about my anger and what I had done.

Somewhere in the middle I had hurt myself AGAIN. And I don't know how much time will the healing take this time. Yes, I had anger issues. Well...... usually I am a very calm person and always happy and once in a blue moon I get this angry and at that moment I am at destruction mode. I literally want to piece everything that comes in front of me. That's why I rarely let my anger take over me. And sometimes even if it does, I isolate myself so no one can get hurt by me. I blabber things I utterly regret later and I destroy anything and everything. I don't see stuff all I see is red.

My thoughts took over me and I slept peacefully. Next morning I had to reach for the joint class first thing so I got ready quickly and went to the mess for my breakfast. I took my breakfast and sat next to Aadvik. He looked up from his breakfast and his eyes soften on seeing me. I ignored the care and pity I saw in them and munched on my breakfast. I looked up to see Aadvik looking at me. "You ok now?" He asked. "Yes, I am. Thanks" I replied. "Chill. Its all cool. By the way you know na I'm always here for you for whatever you wanna talk about!" He said and that made my heart melt. I crushed him in a tight hug and squished him. I released the hug and smacked his head upside down. "Lets get to class now goofball!" I said playfully and started running and he realising what just happened right now ran behind me and put his arm around my neck. We both made our way to class.

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