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We all looked at him confused waiting for him to explain the situation. "Uhmm Uhmm" some one said. He looked up from his phone shifting his gaze to us and realised what just happened. He said a meek sorry and blushed with embarrassment. I encouraged him to go on and say what happened. He said " just my ex is texting me frequently now a days trying to get me back after making a fool of myself. Its irritating. I hope I've given her an answer which won't let her text me again!" He said a little frustrated and an eye roll.

I gave his hand a light pat and looked at Aadvik, conversing through our eyes. We were interrupted by a cough. We looked at Aarush sir who was observing us. And had an unknown emotion I couldnt dephire. We continued to eat and got up to leave when krish turned and said "lets go for dinner today. There is a restaurant that opened recently and is said to be pretty good. We should go there and try it. What say?" We all nodded in agreement and since it was 3 PM we all decided to meet by the gate at 7. We all bid farewell and went back to our dorms.

We all met at 7 PM and walked to the cafe-restaurant as it was just around the corner. We ordered the food and drinks and sat there talking. We talked about various topics and kept drinking and kept talking till it was midnight.  "Guys, I need to use the loo just keep my phone and purse with you guys please.!" Saying this I handed my purse and phone to Aadvik and made a short run towards the washroom. I came back to the table only to see Aarush sir sitting on the table with my purse and phone. He looked up at me with what resembled a small hard to detect smile but before I could comprehend anything, it was gone. He stood up and gestured with his hands towards the exit. I went to the two boys with Aarush sir following me and we made our way back to the dorms.

I woke up in morning just half an hour before class so I decided to skip my breakfast and just head to class. I got ready but my head blasted with headache. So I had to stop by the mess to get myself some juice and sandwich and I took some Advil along with it. I reached the class and waved to Aadvik and sat next to him. "Hey.... morning. Why didn't you text me in the morning or call me!!??" I asked. He giggled and said "I knew you would be late and what fun it is to tease you and see you all struggling." "Ok fine." I said with an eye roll and turned my head towards the professor.

I waited anxiously till the break so we could meet the guys at the break. Aarush sir and Krish had become my very good friends and college was becoming more bearable now. But it turned out to be my luck as the guys couldn't come due to one of their assignments got stuck and they had to redo it again. I got irritated. So i went to my next lecture. After the lectures and chess class. I came to my dorm room and took my sports bag and called Aadvik to the sports complex. We both changed and ran for a while and then came to the swimming pool to swim and relax.

"Have you checked your phone today??" He asked. "No. Why do you ask???" I asked confused. "Ok leave. Just check your phone later ok! Now please lets swim and go back and do out assignments. I need to write 2 research papers." He said making a cute sad face that made me laugh. "Ok nerdy. Lets swim. Race you till the end" I said and swam fast to the end with him almost along with me but I won. "Haaaaa so you lose too! Learnt something new. Great!!" I said. We changed and headed to our dorms after eating dinner at the mess. I slept thinking about the possibilities what might have happened.

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