Galaxy Pt2:

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Hours later, Galaxy was sat in Jack's chair while he was out at the officer's mess. She pretty much had to force him to go since he didn't want to and promised to not break anything while he was away. The reason she was sat there was that she wanted to do something and one of the things she always enjoyed doing was tinkering with technology, her other was drawing but since she didn't have the necessary equipment to do that, this was the next best thing.

She was working on one of the computers when he came back, "What's got you in a good move?" Galaxy asked when she turned to him, "I may have just spotted a poor damsel in distress who is hanging from a rope while in the middle of the air-" Galaxy just shook her head and worked on activating the ship's beam, just in time to catch the woman, which was Rose, since she had started to fall.

"Okay, okay, easy, we got you." Jack called through the communicator that Galaxy activated so she would be able to hear their voices, "Whose got me, and there's more of you. Anyway, how have you got me?" Rose asked with some fright in her voice, even though she's not currently falling to her death that didn't mean the people that had her in the beam wouldn't just deactivate it.

"You don't need to worry, we're just programming your decent pattern, or should I say I am." Galaxy said, "Oh and could you do us a favour and keep your hands and feet inside the beam." She continued calmly. "Oh, and can you also do us a favour and turn off your cell phone? Because I don't want it to interfere with my instruments." Jack spoke up, which was then followed by a smack on the back of the by Galaxy, "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" "You we're being rude."

Even though she couldn't see them and be currently floating in the air, Rose couldn't help but smile as she heard the banter going on between them. It reminded her of the way she and the Doctor acted around each other. "There it's off, and as much as I would like you to carry on with your banter I am currently in the sky during a German aid raid while wearing a union jack t-shirt so if you would be so kind and possibly get me out of the situation," Rose said while turning off her phone, though she wasn't happy about it.

"Oh yeah sorry about that we'll be right with you in a moment." Galaxy reassured her while they were looking at the results she had scanned for, "The mobile communication device suggest non-contemporaneous life form." "She's not from around here, that's for sure." Jack said also looking at the results, "I could have told you that since you know that her clothes are one thing and the fact that she's out during the raid instead of in a bunker."

"The question is what is doing here and how did she get here," Jack said choosing to ignore the remark that Galaxy made. "Anyway we should bring her aboard, she'll be safer in here than out there, so you get ready to catch her and I'll deactivate the beam. I know how much you'll want to be the get her." Galaxy smirked as Jack got into position, "You know me so well." "I try."

Galaxy then turned back around and deactivated the beam, causing Rose to fall into the direction of the ship and into Jack's arms. "I've got you, you're fine, look I got you." "The tractor beam tends to scramble your head a little bit so take it easy, okay?" Galaxy said as she turned around the chair to see Jack placing Rose carefully back on her feet. "Are you alright?" Jack asked, "Don't do that." "What I'm only asking if she's alright."

"Yeah, but knowing you, you'll start flirting and right now that isn't what she needs." Galaxy shot back as she crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair. "I'm fine by the way and why, are you both expecting me to faint or something?" Rose said, choosing to ignore the fact the attractive man in front of would potentiality flirt with her. "Well, you do look a little pale as well as looking dizzy." Galaxy observed while got up and walked closer to the woman getting ready for what was to come next.

"Well what about the two of you, both of you aren't even focused." After saying that she collapsed right into Galaxy's open arms, "Help me get her on the bunk." She said as she dragged the woman towards the bunk beds that were nearby, Jack made things easier by picking up the woman's legs. Finally placing her on the bunk, Galaxy made sure to make the blond woman as comfortable as possible before going towards a black backpack that was near the area where Jack's chair was.

Making sure everything that should be in there was in there, she brought out a wristwatch and placed it on her left wrist. It was just any watch however, it would allow her to teleport to a specific location as long as she put the coordinates in. It was like Jacks vortex manipulator only this didn't allow her to travel to different points in time. "I trust I can leave you here alone with her?" She asked Jack without looking up from her wrist, it wasn't that she didn't trust Jack she just didn't want him to do anything crazy while she was gone.

"You don't need to worry I won't anything that you wouldn't want me to," Jack replied back while he kept his eyes on the sleeping woman. Looking up, Galaxy noticed something in Jack's eyes, "You know something about her, what?" She asked as she crossed her arms. "You remember that Chula warship I was tracking through the time vortex, which had lead me to this time period?"

"The thing you've been keeping an eye on to make sure it still there, and insisting it's just space junk." "Yeah that one, what I didn't tell you was that I was also luring some time travellers that were in the vortex as well. Figured I could have them follow con them in getting it off my hands." "And you think she's one of them."

"It would explain her dress code, and why she's not in a bunker like you said." Jack agreed, "So when the young lady here wakes up I'm going to take her to the crash site and work my magic." Galaxy sighed, "Fair enough you do that while I'm gone, also I'll use my tracker here to keep an eye on you in case I need to come and see how everything goes." She tossed him one of her trackers that were connected together, the tracker would allow her to get the coordinates of his location and she would be able to teleport to him.

"If you want to keep an eye on me you can say it and stay here," Jack complained, but held onto the tracker anyway, "I would but I'm almost done with my project, I think I'll finally be able to finish so I need to do it. And I'm hoping I can trust you to be subtle about the deal when she wakes up." Galaxy instructed. "Well, when you put it like that I can't tell you not to go, can I? Just be careful okay." Jack signed knowing that by her look he wouldn't be able to talk her out of it.

"When aren't I, don't worry I will, also I'll come back when I finish with what I'm doing." She said with a small smile on her face. She looked down at the teleported on her wrist, before activating it and a bright light surrounded her, taking her away off to her destination.

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