The Doctor Dances Pt1:

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"Nancy." Galaxy called as she saw the young woman in front of her, "Galaxy." She exclaimed and wrapped her arms around her when she got close to her. Galaxy ended up meeting Nancy by chance when she out on her own on the streets before she met Jack, she had offered her and Jamie some food and she gave Nancy a bracelet to let her know if she was needed.

"What wrongs?" Galaxy asked and then she realised she was on her own, "Nancy, where's Jamie?" "I'll explain on the way, but I need help." Nancy only said and Galaxy nodded her head and followed her. She was told about a bomb crashing at the railway station, and Galaxy knew she was speaking of Jack's Chula Ship, and they were heading there now. She also told her about a man that had been snooping around her and both Galaxy and Astro figured who it was, confirming Galaxy's thoughts.

"Astro, I want you to stay here, in case anything happens, and if anyone comes." Galaxy instructed him indicating to if he sees the Doctor, as they got near the bombsite, Galaxy explained him to Nancy and though she was creeped out at first, Galaxy reassured her that he was safe and that he wouldn't hurt her. "Just be careful, both of you." He said and the two made their way to the ship that was covered in tarpaulin.

The two started to pull the tarpaulin back when the spotlights around them came on and a whole load of rifles were pointed at them. "Halt! Don't move!" A solider shouted, "So much for being careful." Galaxy mumbled.


The two were escorted to the HQ of the bomb site and they saw an unwell soldier trying to stand up, "As you were. Feeling any better?" "Just a touch, sir." "Chain them up where Jenkins can keep an eye on them." "Yeah, that might not be a good idea." Galaxy remarked nervously, she and Nancy had noticed the scar on the guy's hand, and Galaxy knew what was going to happen after being explained everything.

The two were then handcuffed to the leg of a table and were placed in front of Jenkins, "Don't suppose you have any of those weird gadgets that could help?" Nancy mumbled to Galaxy, "Nope."

"Please! Listen you can't leave us here!" Nancy exclaimed, but they didn't listen, "Watch them, Jenkins." "Yes, Mummy." Nancy and Galaxy tensed when they heard the slip-up, "Jenkins?" "Sorry, sir. I don't know what's the matter with me."

"Okay, you can lock us up, fine, but not with this guy!" Galaxy shouted as the man left, "You two will be alright. I'm just a little. Just a little, just a little. What's the matter with you two?" "I think the better question is what ups with you." Galaxy said, "Please let us go."

"Why would I do that?" He asked, "Because you've got a scar on the back of your hand." "Well yes, but I don't see what that's got to do with anything." "But you've been feeling sick, and you don't know why, but we do."

"In a minute, you won't be you anymore. You won't even remember you, and unless you let us go, it's going to happen to us too. Please." Nancy continued. "What're you talking about?" "What's your mother's name?" Galaxy asked him suddenly, "Matilda." "You got a wife?" Nancy continued seeing what Galaxy was trying to do, "Yes," "What's her name? Do you have kids, what's your name?" Galaxy kept asking as they saw Jenkins getting worse.


"So far in the future and humans think still about that during that century," Astro said after hearing the conversation between the Doctor and Rose when he had been sneaking around. The two turned back and saw him sitting there shaking his head, "Astro." The Doctor said shocked as he went to kneel in front of him.

Rose watched their interaction with interest, she would hear the Doctor mumble things when he thought she wasn't around and she had heard the name Astro come up a few times, then when Jack had mention Galaxy, she had seen him go in a state of shock and wanted to find her. "Where's Galaxy?" He asked Astro, if he was nearby then she wouldn't be too far away since they always stuck together.

Astro was about to answer when they heard a noise coming from where Jack had gone, they went to to see the man that had captured Galaxy and Nancy had transformed like the others, "Stay back!" The Doctor shouted, "You men, stay away!" Jack ordered to other men, "The effect's become air-borne, accelerating." When the Doctor said that the air raid sirens started to go off. "What's keeping us safe?" Rose asked as Astro's ears picked up something and he looked around, "Nothing."

"Ah, here they go again." "All we need. Didn't you say a bomb was going to land here?" "Never mind about that. If the contaminants airborne now, there's hours left." "For what?" Jack asked. "Till nothing, forever. For the entire human race. And can anyone else hear singing?" The Doctor asked the singing got louder.

"Doctor," Astro called from where he was and he nodded to where Galaxy and Nancy were being held.


Galaxy was singing a lullaby to the now full transformed Jenkins, she found that this regeneration actually had a good singing voice, and she figured the only way to calm down a child, would be to sing it to sleep. She had felt the Doctor when he had gotten closer to where she was, but she completely cut off her mind so she would be able to focus on the task in front of her and make sure that Nancy was kept safe.

She noticed on the corner of her eye, the Doctor walk in and stare at her in shock, she hinted to the handcuffs and he used his sonic on Nancy's then on hers. The minute she was free they left went outside and Galaxy found herself in the Doctor's arms.

"Looks like someone missed me." Galaxy smirked, but she had tears in her eyes and the Doctor only brought her into a kiss.

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