Bad Wolf Pt1:

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Galaxy and Rose woke up to find themselves laying on a studio floor and a dark-skinned man was bending over them, "What happened?" Rose asked groggily, "Yeah and haven't you heard of personal space." Galaxy grumbled as she stood up then helped Rose up, "It's all right. It's the transmat. Does your head in. Does your head in. Get a bit of amnesia. What's your names?" He asked the two, "Rose and this is Galaxy," Rose nodded to her, "Where's the Doctor?"

"Somewhere else in wherever we are." Galaxy answered her as she rubbed her temples, whatever that transmat did, it clouded her mind from being able to communicate with the Doctor and Astro. "Just remember to do what the android says," He told them, "Don't provoke it. The android's word is law." "What do you mean android?" Rose asked the man, even more confused and a woman called out instructions.

"Positions, everyone! Thank you!" "Come on, hurry up." The man said to them, "What is this place?" Rose whispered to Galaxy, "Don't know yet, best to see how things before doing anything reckless." Rose nodded her head, "That's enough chat." The woman said hearing them talking, "Positions! Final call! Good luck!"

"But were not suppose to be here!" Rose insisted, "It says Rose and Galaxy on the podiums, Come on." The man, who was at the podium that said Rodrick said and the two had no choice but to step on theirs, Galaxy being between them. "Android activated!" The woman said and a android that looks like the woman from Weakest Link powered up, "Welcome to The Weakest Link." "I'm gonna go with that android." Galaxy mumbled.


'Astro wake up!!' Astro opened his eyes and found himself laying in the console room of the Tardis on his own, "You didn't need to scream in my ear, Blue." He grumbled as he stood up and looked at the rotor, 'Well there was no way of waking you up! Now quick complaining, Galaxy and the Doctor need help.'

"Where are they anyway, where are we for that matter?" He asked and he heard a noise come from the monitor and went to have a look at it, "We were together, we were all laughing, and then there was this bright light. This white light coming through the wall, and then. And then I woke up here."

"I remember now, Doctor took us to Japan because of how much Galaxy loves the country especially the art created there. That still doesn't answer my questions, though." 'We came here before, but somethings changed. You need to find them.' Astro sighed, "If I watch some more, I should be able to scan where the Doctor is and get his location, what about Galaxy?" He asked, he had a stronger mental connection with her then the Doctor, and he was worried because he couldn't sense her, or hear her thoughts.

'I'll keep looking, but it could be hard.' "That's okay, I'll look for the Doctor first, might be best to get him then Galaxy." Astro decided and went back to watching the monitor, making sure to scan everything so he could find him, all the while hoping Galaxy was safe.


"Seventeen, sixteen, fifteen. Thank you, people. Transmitting in twelve, eleven, ten..." The manager spoke in the game room Galaxy and Rose were in, "We need to find the Doc-" Rose started to Galaxy but got cut off by Rodrick, "Just shut up and play the game." He hissed at her, "Don't worry, everything will be alright." Galaxy reassured her with a smile on her face, "All right, then. What the hell. I'm going to play to win!"

"Three, and cue!" The manager said and the droid powered up, "Lets play The Weakest Link. Start the clock. Agorax, the name of which food stuff is an anagram of the word 'bread'?" "Bread." Agorax answered, "Correct. Fitch in the Pan Traffic Calender, which month comes after Hoob?" "Is is Clavadoe?" "No, Pandoff. Rose, in maths, what is 258 minus 158?" "One hundred!" She exclaimed. "Correct. Rodrick-" "Bank." He said early, "Which letter of the alphabet appears in the word 'dangle' but not in the word 'gland'?" "E."

"Correct. Galaxy, in social security, what D is the name of the payment given to Martian Drones?" "Default." "Correct. Broff, the Great Cobalt Pyramid is built on the remains of which famous Old Earth Institute?" "Er, Touchdown." Broff stuttered, "No, Torchwood. Agorax, in language, all five examples of which type of letter appear in the word facetious?" "Vowels." "Correct. Fitch, in biology, which blood cells contain iron? Red or white?"

"White." Galaxy glanced at Rose when she heard her and saw she was starting to laugh and she frowned, "No, red. Rose, in the holovid series 'Jupiter Rising', the Grexnik is married to whom?" "How should I know?" She said laughing, "No, the correct answer is Lord Drayvole." Galaxy sighed quietly and she hoped that the Doctor or Astro would get to them soon.


Astro quietly made his way out of the Tardis since he didn't want to take any chances, the Tardis had told him that the place was called Satellite 5 or was called Satellite 5, and he was told what happened when they were there.

When he stepped out he noticed some doors that would take him out of the room the Tardis was parked in, he walked up to them and saw a bunch of people sitting at computers and he could hear the Doctor's voice and he figured they were watching him like he had done thanks to the Tardis.

'You should really hurry up.' Astro jumped a bit and looked back at the Tardis and frowned at her, 'Excuse me for wanting to not miss anything.' He grumbled to her in his mind before carefully making his way through the doors, so he didn't draw any attention to himself and was able to locate a lift, deciding to not take anymore chances, Astro called the lift and went in it, and had it take him to the floor he knew the Doctor was on.


"So, Rose, what do you actually do?" The Anne droid asked her as they were choosing the weakest link of the round, "I just travel about a bit. Bit of a tourist, I suppose." She answered relaxed, too relaxed in Galaxy's opinion, she thought that Rose's time with the Doctor would have taught to be cautious about things, especially if you end up mysteriously waking up in a room you've never seen before.

"Another way of saying unemployed." "No." "Have you got a job?" "Well...not really, no...but." "Then you are unemployed. And yet, you've still got enough money to buy peroxide. Why Fitch?" Rose looked at her board that had Fitch's name written on it, "Er... I think she got a few of the question wrong, that's all." She answered and Galaxy saw the woman had tears streaming down her face, and she suddenly got a bad feeling, "Oh, you'd know all about that." "Well, yeah, but I can't vote for myself, so it had to be Fitch." Rose looked at Fitch and noticed her crying and she became worried.

"I'm sorry, that's the game. That's how it works. I had to vote for someone." "Let me try again." Fitch begged the droid ignoring what Rose said, "It was the lights and everything. I couldn't think." "In fact, with three answers wrong, Broff was the weakest link of that round, but it's the votes that count." "I'm sorry. Please. Oh God, help me!" Fitch begged them and Rose was still confused by her actions.

"Fitch you are the weakest link. Goodbye!" Galaxy watched in horror as a barrel came out of the droid's mouth and a beam was shot at poor Fitch, disintegrating her, before it returned back in it's mouth. "And we've gone to adverts," The manger announced, "Back in three minutes." She said before walking off, "What's that? What's just happened?" Rose asked still stunned at what she just witnessed.

"She was the weakest link, she gets disintegrated. Blasted into atoms." He told them as he wiped his board, "But I voted for her. Oh, my. This is sick." She looked at the other contestants, "All of you, you're just sick! I'm not playing this." "I'm not playing!" Broff suddenly shouted, "I can't do this. I'm not. Please, somebody let me out of here." He tried to make a run for it, but the Anne droid turned to him, "You are the weakest link." The droid shot Broff just like it did Fitch, "Goodbye."

"Don't try to escape." Rodrick warned them, "It's play or die." He walked off, leaving them on their own, "Galaxy, what do we do?" Rose asked timidly, and Galaxy looked at her, "We play." She told her as a plan began to form in her head.

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