Boom Town Pt2:

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The group ended up going to a restaurant and Astro decided to stay with the Tardis instead of going with them, and when they got a table, Galaxy insisted on sitting next to Mickey because she wanted to get to know him more, she had only got something brief off Rose when she asked her about her life before she met the Doctor, so Mickey ended up sitting between her and the Doctor with Rose and Jack on the other side of them.

"I swear, six feet tall and with big tusks-" Jack said continuing with his exciting story that he was telling them, "You're lying through you teeth!" The Doctor exclaimed shaking his head, "I'd gone bonkers! That's the word - bonkers!" "I mean, it turns out the white things are tusks and I mean tusks! And it's woken, and it's not happy."

"How could you not know it was there?" Galaxy asked, "And we're standing there, fifteen of us, naked-" "Naked?!" "And I'm like, oh, no, no, it's got nothing to do with me. And then it roars, and we are running. Oh my God, we are running! And Brakovitch falls, so I turn to him and say-" "I knew I should've turned left!" Galaxy and Mickey said having everyone in a fit of laughter.

"That's my line!" Jack grumbled, "I don't believe you. I don't believe a word you say ever. That is so brilliant. Did you ever get your clothes back?" Galaxy saw the Doctor look at a nearby newspaper and got worried when she saw the look on his face, "No, I just picked him up went right for the ship, full throttle. Didn't stop until I hit the spacelanes. I was shaking. It was unbelievable. It freaked me out, and by the time I got fifteen light years away I realised I'm like this."

"Doctor?" Galaxy asked turning everyone's attention to him and saw he had the newspaper in his hands now since he took it off the reader, "And I was having such a nice day." He showed them the front page to reveal a picture of the Slitheen known as Margaret. "Who is she?"


"According to intelligence, the target is the last surviving member of the Slitheen family, a criminal sect from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorious, masquerading as a human being, zipped inside a skin suit." Jack said as they were now in the City Hall foyer planning an attack, "Okay, plan of attack, we assume a basic fifty seven fifty six strategy, covering all available exits on the ground floor. Doctor, you go face to face. That'll designate Exit One, I'll cover Exit Two. Rose, you Exit Three. Mickey Smith-"

"Me as well." Galaxy said as she smiled at him, "I'll go with him." "You two take Exit Four. Have you got that?" Jack grinned, "Excuse me," The Doctor spoke up, "Who's in charge?" He wasn't in the best of moods right now, he didn't like how Galaxy was interacting with Mickey, despite knowing how much she loved him and that she only saw Mickey as a new friend that she wanted to get to know.

"Sorry. Awaiting orders, sir." "Right, here's the plan... Like he said. Nice plan. Anything else?" He asked grinning at Jack, "Present arms." They each pulled out a mobile phone, except Galaxy since Mickey had his and if need be then she would use the computer on her wrist, and the all shouted ready, "Speed dial?"

"Yup." The Doctor nodded, "Ready." Rose said, "Check." "See you in hell." Jack said and they ran off, "Come on." Galaxy said when she saw Mickey hesitate on where to go, making him smile.


"So how come you wanted to come with me?" Mickey asked her as they walking, he had been surprised when she wouldn't talk to him like an idiot like the Doctor would, she didn't see him as one either, "What do you mean?" "You could have gone with the Doctor, but instead came with me, why?"

"Because you remind me of how I used to be like with the Doctor." "Which is?" "You compare yourself to him to try and impress Rose, which let me tell you, you don't need to do that because even he's not perfect." She told him gently, when the Doctor had told her about his feelings, she couldn't help but compare herself to the woman he had married and had a family with and she could see Mickey was doing the same.

"Slitheen heading north." The Doctor's voice rung through Mickey's phone interrupting their conversation. "Oh my God." Mickey breathed, "Let's go." Galaxy said as she laughed and the two started running, while they were, she had to grab his arm in order to avoid crashing into a cleaning woman and her trolley.


Margaret reached the bottom of the ladder and she took off her broach, she started to run but when she saw Rose coming toward her, she snarled and removed her right earring. The she saw Jack coming the other way when she turned and she removes her other earring and she changed her direction to front of the building, only to see Galaxy and Mickey there.

She continued running and pushed them out the way and Galaxy ended up falling onto the floor and landed on her left wrist, and instead of chasing after her, Mickey instead helped Galaxy back on her feet, "Mickey the idiot." They heard the Doctor call as he, Rose and Jack caught up to them and saw Margaret running off, "Oh, be fair. She's not exactly going to outrun us, is she?" Rose said and they saw Margaret vanish. "She's go a teleport! That's cheating! Now we're never going to get her." Jack exclaimed.

"Jack I'm disappointed that you don't realise I came prepared." Galaxy said and she used the computer on her wrist to cancel Margaret's teleporter but every time she pressed on the button she could feel the pressure hurting her wrist and she figured that it might be bruised. "I can do this all day, but I really don't want to." She said and her wrist was starting to hurt a lot. "Why can't you leave me alone? What did I ever do to you?" "You tried to kill me and destroy this entire planet." The Doctor answered, "Apart from that."

Galaxy flinched when she felt someone grab her injured wrist and looked up to see The Doctor's eyes filled with worry. "What happened?" He asked her as he carefully took off her computer wrist and saw that her wrist looked a little swollen. "Margaret pushed me and Mickey, but she bushed me a little harder and I landed on my wrist." She said and smiled when he placed a light kiss on it. "I'm gonna go back to Blue and get it checked out." Galaxy said and placed a kiss on The Doctor's cheek before she left them to sort out Margaret.


Galaxy was in the med bay of the Tardis when she got back and was placing a bandage around her wrist, she found out that she had sprained it, but it thankfully wasn't that bad thanks to her computer protecting it from most of the force of the fall. When she was done she and Astro went to her art room and she got different coloured paint and placed them in front of a wall that already had some paint on it. 

In one of Galaxy's regeneration's she had a need to paint something big, so she moved everything that was against the wall and started to paint a galaxy and she was unable to finish it for obvious reasons, but since she didn't have anything to do until The Doctor and the others came back she decided to carry on. She was concentrating so much that she didn't notice The Doctor came into the room some time ago and was watching her. "You're nearly finished." He said and she smiled over her shoulder when she saw him. "Yep, thank God that I didn't hurt my dominant hand."

"How bad is it?" He asked as Galaxy put the brush she was holding down. "Just a sprain, nothing too serious." She told him as he rubbed some paint off her cheek, "I take it you solved the problem with Margaret?" "Nearly, she's in the console room with the others." He said as he watched Galaxy put her paints away. "Guess we shouldn't keep them waiting." She said and she placed her hand in his and the three walked out of the room.

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