Fixer Upper Pt2:

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Galaxy was in a workshop that the Tardis that was created for her years ago and was waiting for the Doctor to bring her her new sonic so she could the perception filter. While she was growing up, Galaxy used to visit the Tardis while it was still a museum piece when she wanted to get away from her family, and would just spend her time drawing or brainstorming there, the Tardis was where she had first come up with the idea of Astro, which was the reason why she decided to give Astro Tardis blue highlights later on to credit the place where she got the inspiration.

"Here you go, one sonic key." The Doctor said as he entered the room and held a silver chain that had a silver key with clockwork gears on it and small heart shape locks. "I have really missed having one of these." She said as she placed it on the workbench and turned to him. "You have no idea how glad I am you're alive, Galaxy." He whispered closing his eyes as he rested his forehead on hers and Galaxy could see tears there and she smiled sadly, "I think I can take a guess, I didn't think we would see you again after we got separated. I really missed you, Theta." She whispered tearfully as his name rolled off her tongue, she missed being able to do that, say his real outload with only those trusted around allowed to hear.

The Doctor pulled her to stand up and wrapped his arms around her tightly and rested his head in the crook of her neck, relishing in her warmth, "I missed you too, Mira. So much." Galaxy's arms tightened around him as she felt something wet hit her skin, and she realised he was crying. "I'm not going anywhere anymore. I can promise you that." She told him and wiped away his tears when she pulled his head back.

He smiled and leaned in to place a kiss on her lips that she smiled into and placed her hands on his cheeks, deepening the kiss. The got interrupted though when a hum sounded in the room, "Blue's right, more working, less smooching, you can do that when I'm not around." Astro spoke from where he was laying near the workbench.

"Speaking of which, hows the filter coming along?" The Doctor asked as they broke the hug and Galaxy went back to working, "Nearly done, I just needed the sonic for some last alternations." The old one was beyond repair and if he was to come with them then he needed it. The perception filter would allow people to see a grey and white husky instead of a dark and light grey wolf with blue highlights. But some people like companions and her and the Doctor would be able to see his original form.

"Let's see if this works." Galaxy said as she finished it and knelt in front of Astro. There was a little opening in his metal skeleton in the shape of a diamond, which was where the old perception filter was so that's where the new one would go as well. Once it was in, and Astro had finished shaking his head, Galaxy used her sonic to change the settings to see if she would see his husky form instead of wolf form.

"Yes! It worked. Oh, thank god." She exclaimed when they saw a grey and white husky instead of a grey and wolf with blue highlights and set the settings back to normal. "Knew you could it." The Doctor remarked as she changed the settings back to normal. "So what are we gonna do now?"

"You could go to your art room." He suggested, "It's still here?" Galaxy was given another room by the Tardis and that was an art room. There she kept a sketchbook that was given to her by her brother, as well as others, the cover of the sketchbook had clockworks on it and was coloured blue. She also had other drawing and painting supplies. She would always go to the room when she wanted to do something, or when she wanted to be alone if she and the Doctor ever fought.

"Yep, why don't we don't head over there?" He said, not wanting to leave her side. The three walked out of the workshop and walked down the corridors until they came to the door to the room. The door was coloured white and had pictures of roses on leaves in the corners of the door, and in the middle was a wolf howling at the moon behind it. The Doctor smiled as he watched Galaxy gently run her fingers over the picture of the wolf with a smile on her face before she grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.

 The Doctor smiled as he watched Galaxy gently run her fingers over the picture of the wolf with a smile on her face before she grabbed the doorknob and opened the door

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