The Parting of the Ways Pt4:

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"You will be exterminated." The Emperor told the Doctor after he asked what was in store for him. "Maybe it's time." The Doctor sighed, no matter how much it hurt him sending Galaxy away with the Tardis, he was happy that she was safe, and that he was able to find her again, despite everything he was glad he was able to be with her again.

The Doctor closes his eyes, ready for the end when the sound of the Tardis echoed throughout the room. "Alert! Tardis materialising!" A Dalek announced when it started to appear behind the Doctor. "You will not escape!" The Emperor shouted thinking that the Doctor was behind its arrival. When the Tardis doors opened the Doctor looked back and his hearts broke at the sight in front of him. Bits of energy snaked out of the doorway and Galaxy stood there, her eyes no longer green, instead they were now a golden colour.

"Galaxy, what've you done?" The Doctor breathed, terrified at what she did. "I looked into Blue, and Blue looked into me." Galaxy answered gently, her voice echoing. "You looked into the Time Vortex. Galaxy, no one's meant to see that, especially not us. You know that!" He shouted at her while shaking his head. "This is the Abomination!" The Emperor exclaimed. "Exterminate!" A Dalek shouted and shot at Galaxy but she stopped the beam by simply raising her arm. 

"I saved the Bad Wolf before it was too late." She said and looked over her shoulder to see Astro and Rose watching her, "And the Guardian Wolf was born." The two were watching her with fear in their eyes, but not because they were afraid of her, but they were afraid for her. "I take these words and I scatter them in time and space." Galaxy waved her hand and the words Bad Wolf lift into the air before disappearing, "A message to lead you and Rose here, and later on me." 

"You've got to stop this, Galaxy. You've got to stop this now. You've got the entire vortex running through your head." The Doctor said as tears welled up in his eyes, "You're going to burn." He cried, shaking his head, he dreads to think what storing all that energy in her body was doing to her, he didn't even want to think how much longer she would last.

"I want you safe." Galaxy looked back at him and he noticed that she had tears in her eyes, "From the moment I fell in love with you, I have always wanted you safe. I want to protect you from the false god." She told him smiling sadly before frowning at the Emperor, she could feel the energy hurting her, but to save the Doctor, she was willing to push herself. "You cannot hurt me. I am immortal." The Emperor remarked.

"You are tiny," She corrected, glaring, "I can see the whole of time and space. Every single atom of your existence and I divide them."  She said and nearby Daleks disintegrate, "Everything must come to an end. Everything dies. The Time War ends." She declared and the Daleks around them begin to crumble. "I will not die. I cannot die!" The Emperor shouted and Galaxy only held out her hands and she knew that the golden energy would cause the spaceship to disappear. "Galaxy, you've done it." The Doctor told her as he went to stand in front of her, "Now please, stop. Just let it go."

"Not yet, I have one more thing to do." She told him before she closes her eyes and she sees Jack taking a breath showing she had brought him back to life. "You did it. Now please, let it go." He pleaded to her as he looked into her eyes that were a mixture of green and gold, "It needs to go back, I can't lose you again." He told her, he refuses to lose her a second time. "I can't..." She groaned as she started to feel the pain getting too much for her, "It's burning my head." She cried with tears running down her face.

"I know." He said as he reached to place his hands on her cheeks. "I won't be able to hold it much longer, you need to get out of here." She begged, she didn't want him to get hurt because of her, that wasn't what she wished to do. "No." He said gently, "I'm not leaving you now, not when we promised to take care of each other. I'm never letting you go again."

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