Bad Wolf Pt4:

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Everything seemed to drown out for the Doctor in that moment, one minute he saw Galaxy standing on the podium, the next she was shot at and their minds were still blocked off to see if she was still alive or not. He ignored everything around him and only knelt in front over her remains, he didn't cry, he didn't do anything, what was the point, he lost her all over again.

He didn't even fight when a security guard grabbed his arm, "Sir, put down the gun or I'll have to shoot." The guard said, "You killed her!" Jack shouted as Astro growled at the guards, they seemed to be the only ones to react to what happened to Galaxy, though Astro knew the Doctor's reaction would be something like this, this was the first time that either of them weren't able to do anything to help her. "Your stupid freaking game show killed her." "Sir, I'm arresting you under Private Legislation 16 of the Game Station Syndicate."


"Can you tell us the purpose of this device, sir?" The guard asked as he held up the Doctor's sonic once he had searched him, and they had been placed in a prison cell, "Can you tell us how you got on board?" The Doctor didn't answer, he was only sat on one of the benches in the cell with Astro laying in front of him, providing what comfort he could.

"Just leave him alone." Rose said feeling utter guilt, Galaxy had said the wrong answers just to make sure she made it out alive when she didn't have to, and now there was no way of showing her gratitude. "I'm asking him. Sir? Can you tell who you are?" The guard then took his mug shot.

"You will be taken from this place to the Lunar Penal Colony, there to be held without trial. You may not appeal against this sentence. Is that understood?" The guard told them and when he got no response another guard came to let him out, "Let's do this." The Doctor spoke for the first time and Jack takes down the guards then takes back his Defabricator and Astro got the Doctor's sonic back for him, while Rose and Lynda took the guard's weapons.

"Floor 500." The Doctor said as they all entered the lift and it take them long until they got there, "Okay, move away from the desk! Nobody try anything clever. Everybody clear." Jack ordered as he and Astro directed the staff away from the computers, "Stand to the side and stay there." "Who's in charge of this place?" The Doctor asked the Controller that was a woman who was wired up, "19, 18." "This Satellite's more than a Game Station."

"79, 80." "Who killed Galaxy?!" The Doctor demanded, just speaking her name and the word 'killed' in the same sentence caused his hearts to break, but he wouldn't break down now, not until someone payed for taking her away from him. "All staff are reminded that solar flares-" "I wan an answer!" "Occur in delta point one." Controller finished as though she didn't hear him. "She can't reply. Don't shoot!" The male programmer, Pavale said, "Oh, don't be so thick. Like I was ever going to shoot." He scoffed and thew his weapon to Pavale.

"Captain, Astro, we've got more guards on the way up. Secure the exits." "Yes, sir." Jack nodded and him and Astro ran off. "You. What were you saying?" He turned back to Pavale, "But I've got your gun." "Okay, so shoot me. Why can't she answer?" "She's er. Can I put this down?" He asked gesturing to the gun. "If you want. Just hurry up."

"Thanks. Sorry." He put the gun down, "The Controller is linked to the transmissions. The entire outpost goes through her brain. You're not a member of staff so she doesn't recognise your existence." "What's her name?" The Doctor asked, "I don't know. She was installed when she was five years old. That's the only life she's ever known." He explained, "Yet another thing for me to hate about this place." Astro said as he and Jack returned, "We've sealed the door, should give us about ten minutes of safety." "Keep an eye on them." He told them.

"But that stuff you were saying about something going on with the Game Station. I think you're right. I've kept a log. Unauthorized transmats, encrypted signals, it been going on for years." Pavale explained, "Show me." Jack went onto trying onto opening Archive Six, "You're not allowed in there." A woman warned him, "Archive Six is out of bounds." Jack turned to her with a frown on his face, "Do I look like an out of bounds sort of guy?" The door opened and he went through it, and ended up going into the Tardis since it was being hidden there.

"Solar flare activity in delta point zero fifteen." Controller said, "If you're holding us hostage, then open the door and let us out. The staff are terrified." The same woman that warned Jack said, "And what about the hundreds of contestants that they watch die everyday, they were terrified but they didn't get comfort, so why should they." "That's not our fault. We're just doing our jobs." "And with that sentence you just lost the right to even talk to me. Now back off." The Doctor shouted and both Lynda and Rose flinched at his and Astro's tones, Rose wasn't surprise though, the Doctor lost someone he loved for a second time and Astro lost one of his creators.

"That's just the solar flares." Pavale said as the power suddenly dropped in the room, "They interfere with the broadcast signal, so this place automatically powers down. Planet Earth gets a few repeats. It's all quite normal." "Doctor?" Controller called, "Doctor?" The woman asked, "Whatever it is, you can wait." The Doctor said. "I think she wants you." The woman told him. "Doctor? Doctor? Where's the Doctor?" Controller continued to call, "I'm here." He said turning attention to her, "Can't see. I'm blind. So blind. All my life, blind. All I can see is numbers, but I saw you. You and your Galaxy."

The Doctor frowned deeply and Astro started to growl at the mention of Galaxy's name, "What do you want?" She didn't have the right to utter Galaxy's name. "Solar flares hiding me. They can't hear me. My master, they always listen but they can't hear me now the sun, the sun is so bright." Controller spoke. "Who are your masters?" Astro asked standing next to the Doctor, "They wired my head. The name's forbidden. I had to be careful. They monitor transmissions but they don't watch the programmers. I could hide you inside the games. Knew that you would find me."

"Galaxy died inside your games." He argued, "Doesn't matter." She simply said, "Don't you dare tell me that." He growled, no one gets to decide whether or not Galaxy matter, she did, always. "They've been hiding. My masters hiding in dark space, watching and shaping the Earth so, so, so many years. Always been there, guiding humanity, hundred and hundreds of years." She continued. "Who are they?" He asked.

"They wait and plan and grow in numbers. They're strong now. So strong, my masters." She said with a cheer in her voice, "Who are they?" He repeated and Astro could sense the frustration from him, he couldn't blame him really, he was getting sick of her delaying her answer. "But they speak of you, my masters, they fear the Doctor and Galaxy." Astro frowned, that didn't really help, a lot of people feared them, so it could literally be anyone that would be after them. But he knew that whoever they were, they made a mistake, by taking out Galaxy, that just made the Doctor angry.

"Tell me, who are they?" The Doctor repeated for a third time, having similar thoughts as Astro, "21, 22." Controller began counting again as the power came back on, "When's the next solar flare?" He asked Pavale, "Two years time." "Fat lot of good that is." He sighed, then Jack came back into the room after just seeing what the Tardis found out, "Found the Tardis."

"We're not leaving yet." The Doctor, refused to leave until he got answers, until he avenged Galaxy, he owed her that at least, "No, but the Tardis worked it out. You'll want to watch this." He said and he looked at Lynda, "Lynda, could you stand over there for me, please?" He pointed to a empty space, "I just want to go home." She said, everything becoming too much for her, "It'll only take a second. Could you stand in that spot, quick as you can. Everybody watching? Okay, 3...2...1."

A similar beam that got Galaxy hit Lynda and she vanished into a puff of smoke, "But you killed her!" Rose exclaimed as the Doctor and Astro looked confused, "Oh, do you think?" He asked grinning and he activated another beam and Lynda was brought back. "What the hell was that?" Lynda asked confused and a little scared. "That was a transmat beam." Astro breathed, "Yeah, not a disintegrator, a secondary transmat system. People don't get killed in the games, they get transported across space," "That's means..." "Galaxy is still alive!" The Doctor grinned as he and Jack hugged.

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