Bad Wolf Pt3:

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"Hey, handsome. Good to see you?" Jack announced when he saw the Doctor, Astro and Lynda, "Any sign of Rose and my sister?" "Can't you track them down?" "They must still be inside the games. All the rooms are shielded. Can't you just get to Galaxy through your mind anyway?" He asked if Galaxy was with Rose, then either of them should be able to get a hold of her, "Something's blocking her mind, it's like a wall is preventing us from connecting to it." Astro told him, "So this computer is our only option, if I could just get inside it." The Doctor said as he worked on a console that hadn't been used in a century.

The more time was spent, the more he worried about Rose and Galaxy, but Galaxy a little more so, and seeing as what theme the games shows have, he knew that she would do something overboard, it was one of the things he loved and hated about her. "Well, you'd better hurry up. These games don't have a happy ending." Jack told him, "Do you think I don't know that?" He frowned at him, his hearts were beating fast simply because he didn't know which one Galaxy was in. Jack handed him over a wrist computer, "There you go, patch that in. It's programmed to find them." "You took that from Galaxy didn't you?" Astro asked as he noticed that it was the one she wasn't wearing because of the fact her wrist was still sprained, "Maybe."

"Thanks." The Doctor said taking it from him, "Hey, there." Jack said turning his attention to Lynda, "Hello." "Captain Jack Harkness." "Lynda Moss." The two shook hands, "Nice to meet you, Lynda Moss." "Do you mind flirting outside?" The Doctor said trying to concentrate, "I was just saying hello!" Jack exclaimed, getting a vibe of when Galaxy would do the same thing with him, "Galaxy told me that's flirting for you."

"I'm not complaining." Lynda smiled, "Muchas gracias." "It's not compatible." The Doctor sighed, getting frustrated, "This stupid system doesn't make sense." He gave the computer to Lynda and ended up kicking the console in frustration, he refused to lose Galaxy for a second time, not when he had just got her back. "This place should be a basic broadcaster, but the systems are twice as complicated. It's more than just television. This station's transmitting something else."

"Like what?" Jack asked, "I don't know. This whole Bad Wolf thing's tied up with me. Someone's manipulated my entire life. It's some sort of trap, and Rose and Galaxy are stuck inside it."


"Rose, the oldest inhabitant of the Isop Galaxy is the Face of what?" "The Face of Boe." Rose answered, though she was hesitant to do so, Galaxy just kept answering some answers right and some wrong, and she wasn't showing anything on her face, and Rose started to worry about her.

"That is the correct answer. Galaxy, in literature, the author of Luck was Jackie who?" "Stewart." "No, the correct answer is Collins." Galaxy rubbed her left wrist gently, it was still strained, but wasn't as bad as it was before, she only hoped that the Doctor would find them soon.


"I've found them. Floor 407." The Doctor announced, and they made their way to the life, "Oh, my God. They're with the Anne Droid. You've got to get them out of there." Lynda exclaimed, and both Astro and the Doctor got worried even more, and they hurried to the lift, "Come on, come on!" The Doctor exclaimed, without being able to hear Galaxy in his mind again, he was bombarded with questions on if she was alright.


"Rose, in fashion, Stella Pok Baint is famous for what?" "Hats?" She answered unsure, "That is the correct answer. Galaxy, which measurement of length is said to have been defined by Emperor Jate as the distance from his nose to his fingertip?" "A goffle?" "No, the correct answer is a paab."

Meanwhile the Doctor and the others were finally on the same floor as them, "Game Room 6, which one is it?" The Doctor asked, "Over here!" Lynda called showing them, they got to the door and they began to have trouble, "Stand back, let me blast it open." Jack said, "You won't be able to. The doors made of Hydra combination."

The two were down to the last question, "Rose, in history, which Icelandic city hosted Murder Spree Twenty?" "Reykjavik?" Rose asked, but she and Galaxy knew what the outcome would be, even if she did get the right answer, "No, the correct answer is Pola Ventura." "But, w-we're not meant to be here!" Rose said shocked, she looked at Galaxy and saw that she wasn't panicking as the others were, "We need to find the Doctor."

"You will," Galaxy told her, "He'll be here." She smiled sadly at her, "Galaxy! Rose! Stop this game!" They heard the Doctor behind them, "Galaxy, you leave this life with nothing." The Droid told her and, "Go, get to them." She nodded to where they could hear Jack, the Doctor and Astro approaching them, "No! You've got to stop it!" Rose pleaded, she didn't want to see Galaxy get disintegrated.

"I order you to stop this game!" "You are the weakest link." Galaxy turned to look at them when they got to them and she smiled sadly at them and a tear ran down her cheek before she was shot by the droid and a pile of dust was left in her place.

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