The Doctor Dances Pt2:

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"You see? Just an ambulance." Jack said as he and Galaxy removed uncovered the spacecraft. "That's an ambulance?" Nancy asked, "It's hard to explain. It's from another world." Rose told her, "Galaxy?" She looked at Nancy, "She's right it is from another world, and it looks like they've been tampering with it," She looked at Jack, "I wonder why?" She knew the humans would think that something strange like this would come from the enemy they were fighting and that they could never help touching things that they didn't understand.

Jack just shook his head and started to key in the access codes, "What are you doing?" The Doctor asked, "The sooner you see this thing is empty, the sooner you'll know I had nothing to do with it." "It's not going to work." Galaxy said just as an alarm went off and access panel had a red flashing light going off.

"Didn't happen last time." "Because last time it didn't crash! Now it's going through emergency protocols." Galaxy huffed, she really wanted to hit Jack right now. "Doctor!"

They looked up to see the patients trying to get out of the hospital. "Captain," Jack looked at the Doctor, "Secure those gates." "Why?" "Just do it! Nancy, Galaxy, how'd you get in here?" He looked at the two and Astro, "Cut the wire." They answered, "Nancy, show Rose. Setting two 2428 D." He tossed his sonic to Rose, who caught it. "What?" "Reattaches barbed wire. Go!" He ordered and they were off.

"How do you know Nancy?" The Doctor asked Galaxy once they and Astro were left alone, "Met her just before I met Jack, asked her to get in touch if she ever needed me. We we're gonna head back to Jack's ship but I got the signal from Nancy and I promised I would be there if she needed me." Galaxy explained.

"At least you can tell me the rest when we get back to the Tardis." The Doctor said as he linked his fingers with her, "You're sure your companion will be alright me with coming with." She smiled but she was a bit worried that Rose wouldn't want her to come with them, "She knows you exist, but you're coming regardless," he looked at Astro, "Both of you."


"It's empty. Look at it." Jack said once everyone regrouped and he got the ambulance opened. "What do you expect in a Chula medical transporter? Bandages? Cough drops?" The Doctor looked at Rose, "Rose?" "I don't know." "Yes, you do." "Nanogenes!" She exclaimed once she realised.

"It wasn't empty, Jack." Galaxy spoke up, "There were enough nanogenes in there to rebuild an entire species." "Oh, God," Jack exclaimed, realising what she was referring to. "Getting it now, are we?" The Doctor remarked, "When the ship crashes, the nanogenes escape. Billions upon billions of them, ready to fix all the cuts and bruises in the whole world. But what they find first is a dead child, probably killed earlier that night, and wearing a gas mask."

"And they brought him back to life? They can do that?" Rose asked, "What's life? Life's easy. A quirk of matter. Nature's way of keeping meat fresh. Nothing to a nanogene. One problem, though. These nanogenes, they're not like the ones on your ship. This lot have never seen a human being before. Don't know what a human being's supposed to look like. All they've got to go on is one little body, and there's not a lot left. But they carry right on. They do what they're programmed to do. They patch it up. Can't tell what's a gas mask and what's a skull, but they do their best. Then off they fly, off they go, work to be done. Because you see, now they think they know what people should look like, and it's time to fix all the rest. And they won't ever stop. They won't ever, ever stop. The entire human race is going to be torn down and rebuilt in the form of one terrified child looking for its mother, and nothing in the world can stop it!"

"I didn't know." Jack breathed as the Doctor went to help Galaxy on the ambulance, "Galaxy!" Nancy called and Galaxy saw the patients approaching them, "It brings the gas mask people here, isn't it?" Rose asked, "The ship thinks it's under attack. It's calling up the troops. Standard protocol." The Doctor told her, "But the gas mask people aren't troops."

"Now they are, the ambulance is a battle-field one. That means the nanogenes not only fix you up, they also get you ready for the front line. They programme you." Astro explained, "That's why the child's so strong, why it could do that phoning thing." Rose said and Galaxy glanced at Nancy, starting to put things together. "It's a full equipped Chula warrior, yes. All that weapons tech in the hands of a hysterical four-year-old looking for his mummy. And now there's an army of them."

The patients ended up surrounding them on the outside of the barbed wire, not doing anything, "Why don't they attack?" Jack asked, "Because they're waiting for their commander." Galaxy answered as she walked up to Nancy when she saw the look on her face. "The child?" "Jamie." Nancy and Galaxy answered, "What?"

"Not the child, Jamie." Nancy answered as Galaxy wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "So how long until the bomb falls?" Rose asked panicking a little, "Any second." Jack answered, "What's the matter, Captain?" The Doctor question, "A bit close to the volcano for you?" Galaxy brought Nancy into a hug when she saw the tears in her eyes, "He's just a little boy." She cried as she wrapped her arms around her. "I know."

"He's just a little boy who wants his mummy." She continued, "I know. There isn't a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy," The Doctor spoke as he watched them then turned his attention to the patients, "And this little boy can." "So what're we going to do?" Rose asked them frantically, "I don't know." The Doctor answered.

"It's my fault." Nancy said as she broke the hug, "No." "It is, it's all my fault." "How can it be your-" "Doctor." Galaxy cut him off, "Nancy, what age are you?" The Doctor asked once he saw the look on Galaxy's face and he had figured out what she had, "Twenty? Twenty-one? Older than you look, yes?" "Doctor, Galaxy, that bomb." Jack called as the bombs were getting closer to them, "We've got seconds."

"You can teleport us out." Rose mentioned like he did the last time, "Not you guys. The nav-com's back online. Going to take too long to override the protocols." He told her, "Do what you have to." Galaxy told him, he nodded and vanished though he was hesitant to leave her in a bomb site. "How old were you five years ago? Fifteen? Sixteen?" The Doctor continued to ask Nancy, "Old enough to give birth, anyway. He's not your brother, is he? A teenage single mother in 1941. So you hid, you even lied to him."

They saw the gate to the bomb site open and see Jamie standing there, "Are you, my mummy?" They could hear him say, "He's going to keep asking, Nancy. He's never going to stop." "Mummy?" "Nancy," Galaxy said softly looking at her, "Do you trust me?" She asked and smiled when she got a nod in response, "Then trust me when I say to tell him." She said and gently nudged Nancy to go and walk up to Jamie.

"He doesn't understand," The Doctor said as they watched Jamie not really listening to what Nancy was saying, "There's not enough of him left." "Don't give up just yet." Galaxy smirked as Nancy hugged Jamie and cloud of nanogenes surrounded them, "What's happening? Doctor, it's changing her, we should-" Rose started but was cut off, "Shush! Come on, please. Come on, you clever little nanogenes. Figure it out." Galaxy chuckled quietly at the enthusiasm in his voice, "The mother, she's the mother. It's got to be enough information."

"What's happening?" Rose asked Galaxy, "The nanogenes are recognising the DNA between Nancy and Jamie." Galaxy told her as Nancy fell to the fall when Jamie let go of her.

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