Chapter six-mistakes

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"You made out with Cole!" Heather yells, I just told her what happened. Well not everything, I told her we made out in the car I never said anything about his mom and step dad.
"Shush! Quite, it's secret remember." I say as quick as I can.
"Sorry. I just can't believe that." She says.
"Hey Allie." Cole says coming in and sitting at his desk.
"Hi." I say back.
"You two aren't gonna talk about it?" Heather whispers.
"No, we just decided that it was just the moment. You know he was out of jail and everything." I whisper back.
"You should still talk about it. I mean he's hot." Heather says.
"Heather, Allie. Would you care to share with the rest of the class?" The teacher asks. We shake our heads no but the girl behind me must have heard everything and thinks it should be shared because she raises her hand.
"Yes Zoe?" The teacher asks.
"Well Allie started it sir, Allie told Heather she made out with Cole. I missed the middle because I was actually paying attention to the lesson, but I did hear Heather say Cole was hot." Zoe says to the whole class. I'm mortified I sink down in my seat and start blushing.
"Mind your business Zoe." Heather snaps.
"Hey I like gossip." Zoe says.
"Sorry to disappoint you Zoe but it was a mistake, it wouldn't happen again." Cole says.
"Take that new girl." Zoe whispers to me. Oh god I'm so embarrassed. After class I grad Cole in the way out.
"What the hell was that?!" I ask harshly.
"What? You said it shouldn't happen again and I agreed, so it was a mistake then." He answers.
"You made it sound like you hate me." I complain.
"Please if anything you hate me." He says.
"What? How could you even say that?" I ask.
"You look at me like a broken toy." He says.
"No I don't, you were hurt I was worried. Your the one who stop as soon as my phone rang" I argue.
"Excuse me for thinking it could be important. It was just the moment anyway." He says. We moved closer to each when we were yelling, he's close to me now.
"Totally." I say my voice shaking. Cole grads me waste and pulls me into him, kissing me. I push him through the nearest door, which gladly was a closet. He has me against the wall but not enough to hurt me. For someone who looks so rough his lips are so soft. I bite his lip a little and he moves me closer to him.
"Wait, stop." He says stepping back.
"I'm sorry." I tell him.
"Don't be it was my fault. But this can't happen." He says.
"Cole-" I try to reason with him but he doesn't let me finish.
"No. I'm sorry but no. I'll just ruin you." He tells me and before I can disagree, he's gone.
I'm laying on my bed trying to figure out what's going on with Cole. I tried to call Heather but she said she had a date tonight so I'm on my own. I roll over to my back this is so confusing. I was in and he threw me back out. I'll just ruin you, he can't think that's true. I think he's just scared, and that makes me worry about him more. Oh I'm so screwed. Knock.
"Come in." I say.
"Are you ok Allie? Did something happen at school? Do I need to call someone?" My mom asks when she comes in.
"I'm ok mom. I just had a fight with a...friend." I tell her.
"Heather?" She asks.
"No, Cole." I tell her.
"Oh honey, you'll fit it." She says.
"I don't think so mom. I like him and he doesn't care and it messed everything up." I tell her.
"What do you mean he doesn't care?" She asks.
"I don't know he just said it couldn't happen that he was bad or something." I tell her.
"I think he's scared Allie." She says, I already knew that but it's nice to hear it.
"Yeah. I just wish he'd let me in." I say still laying down.
"I know. You just gotta give him time, he'll realize he misses you." My mom tells me.
"Thanks mom." I say giving her a hug. She smiles and leaves me alone again. I try and call Cole but he doesn't answer. So I text him; Cole we really should talk about this. Send. I wait a few minutes and read a book. Bing! I look hoping it's Cole, it's Heather; Hey sorry I couldn't come today, but the date was so good! I think we're gonna go out again. I smile at her text and decide to just call Heather.
"That good?" I ask when she picks up.
"It was amazing! I think he could make me really happy." She says.
"That's great Heather. Who'd you go out with anyway?" I ask.
"Kyle." She says.
"What?!" I ask loudly.
"Blow my ear drums out why don't you." She jokes.
"Sorry I just didn't know you were into him." I say.
"Yeah I don't know, he just asked me out. It was really fun." She informs me.
"I'm glad you had fun Heather." I tell her, I'm happy for her I really am I just can't stop thinking about Cole. I should go see him.
"Hello? Allie?" Heather asks.
"Right I'm sorry. Look Heather I'm happy had fun with Kyle but my head isn't in the right place. I love you and I'm sorry but I think I should go see Cole." I tell her.
"Oh my god Allie. I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about your Cole thing I'm the worst." She says, I can tell she feels bad.
"It's ok. You had fun I'm glad. I just well it's been a day without him and I already miss him." I say.
"Oh. My. God." She says slowly.
"What? I don't get it."
"Allie. You really like him." Heather says.
"I know. Heather I think....I think I'm in love with him." I say.
"What! Since when?" She asks.
"Since the thing that happened at school." I tell her.
"Oh my god!" She yells.
"I know, I know. I'm totally fucked." I tell her getting in my car and putting her on speaker.
"Yeah it seems so." She agrees.
"Thanks Heather. Look I'm at Cole's, I have to go. Love you girl." I tell her.
"Ok good luck, love you too girly." She says then she hangs up and I go knock on Cole's door.
"What?" His mom says answering the door, I think she's probably hung over.
"Hi, I'm Alison we meet a few days ago." I tell her.
"Don't remember you." She says lightning a cigarette.
"That's ok, is Cole here." I ask.
"No." She says blowing smoke in my face.
"Do you know when he'll be back?" I ask. She takes another hit of her cigarette.
"No." She says blowing the smoke at me again.
"Can you tell him I came by?" I ask.
"No. I plan on getting drunk." She says slamming the door in my face. I walk back to my car and go home, I miss Cole and I'm worried about him. Fuck it, I call him.
"It's Cole leave a message or whatever." His voice mall says.
"Cole it's Allie again. I went by your house today but your mom didn't know when you'd be back so I left. Please call me." I leave the message and go to bed.

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