Chapter five-is this what it is to care

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It's been four days since Cole got arrested, he gets out today so I'm waiting outside the station with Heather.
"When are they letting him out?" She asks.
"Soon." I tell her. She leans against the car clearly annoyed with me. Kyle's car pulls up and he gets out to wait with us.
"I know I'm late. I'm sorry." He says.
"It's ok, he's not out yet." I say.
  "Why are we here? No one waits for a jail bird." Heather says.
"Shut up." I tell her. She laughs. The gate opens and Cole walks out, he looks shocked to see us. I don't know why but I run over and hug him. He's taken aback and kinda freezes.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"It's called a hug Cole." I say joking but when I step back he looks afraid.
"Welcome back to the world." Heather cheers. Cole snaps out of it and walks over to her and Kyle.
"What are you guys doing here?" He asks.
"Allie made us come, I told her it would weird you out." Kyle tells him.
"Ha. Yeah, it's different." Cole says.
"How so?" I ask.
"No one ever waits for me." He tells me.
"What about your parents?" I ask.
"Uh no. Part of their learn your lesson I guess." Cole says.
"I have to run." Heather says.
"Me too." Kyle says. They get in their cars and drive off.
"Get in the car Cole." I say.
"I'm driving you home." I tell him getting in the car.
"That's ok." I say. He doesn't want to get in the car and I don't know why.
"I can walk." He says.
"Cole get your ass in the car." I say. He rolls eyes eyes and gets in.
"Your gonna have to give me directions to your house." I say.
"Just drop me at the park on third street." He tells me.
"Stop being ridiculous, I don't mind driving you." I tell him.
"Fine. It's 568 shift lane." He tells me.
"Ok." I reply turning on the road. He doesn't live far from the jail. I pull in and get out of the car with Cole.
"What are you doing?" He asks.
"I just wanna use your bathroom." I say.
"Oh ok." He says opening the door. I walk in after him and look around the living room, it smells like beer and puke. A hear a crash and a woman who I'm guessing is Cole's mom, stumbles in from down the hall.
"Cole. Good or home, I need you to-she hits a lamp off a table.- clean my room. I throw up on the bed again, also pick up the lamp bits." She says leaning against the wall. She has a margarita in her hand.
"Sure mom." Cole says.
"Oh you have twins over. Nice to meet you two." She says.
"There's just one girl here mom. This is Alison." Cole tells his mom.
"Nice to meet you." I say holding out my hand, she puts her empty margarita cup in my hand.
"Be a doll and get me another one." She says. Cole takes the cup from me.
"She's not here to severe you mom." He tells her.
"Oh hush up now. She's here, she can be of some use. Just like your father says." She says waving her hand at Cole.
"Step father." Cole corrects her.
"Whatever." His mom says throwing her hands up.
"I'll get her another it's ok." I say.
"Great. Kitchen is umm." She tries to tell me but I think she forgets.
"Down the hall on the right." Cole finished for her. I nod and talk down the hall. I'm pouring another cup when I hear someone came in.
"Oh hello. I'm Alison." I say to the man who I'm guessing is Cole's step father.
"Well hello there Alison. What a pretty thing you are." He says reaching up to touch my hair.
"Ummm. Thank you." I say. He moves in so I'm pushed against the cabinet.
"What do you say I show you around." He says grading my arm. I'm scared out of my mind.
"Get the hell away from her Tom." Cole says walking in.
"Get out of here boy." Tom snaps. Cole runs over and pulls him off and pins him against the wall.
"I said to get away from her." Cole says so harsh and cold I shiver.
"You forget yourself boy." Tom says, then he punches Cole in the stomach.
"Bustard." Cole hisses. Tom hits him again over and over in the stomach. Then in the face, Cole drops to the floor. I see Tom has brass on his fist. Cole's mother runs in as Tom is kicking Cole.
"Alison dear did you make the margarita?" She asks me. She sees it and just walks past the fight and takes the drink then she leaves. I can't watch this anymore, I run over throw myself at Tom. It knocks him away from Cole. Tom pushes me against the wall.
"You little bitch." He hisses then he back hands me, I shriek and fall against the wall. On my way I hit my head on the fridge, I feel fresh blood on my skin. Tom spits and Cole and walks away.
"Oh my god, Cole. Are you ok?" I ask helping him up.
"He hit you. I'll kill the son of a bitch." He says trying to go after Tom, I stop him.
"No. He'll just hit you more. Your shirt is covered in blood. Let me help." I say pulling him lightly to his room, I can see it from the kitchen. He let's me pull him in here.
"Do you have a first aid kit?" I ask.
"Under the chair." He says sitting on the bed. I close and lock his door and get the kit.
"Jacket and shirt off." I tell him sitting next to him. He takes the jacket off and I see the scars again but he stops at his shirt.
"Do my face first." He says. I clean it and put a band aid on the small cut on his face.
"Ok shirt Cole. I know it's weird but the brass cut you, I have to clean it." I tell him.
"Alright fine." He says taking it off slowly. His chest is covered in scars and a new cut bleeding.
"Oh my god." I whisper. I clean the cut and he jumps. It takes some time but I get it bandaged up.
"The scars? What are they from?" I ask.
"My chest is from my step dad, and the arms... I did myself." He says looking down.
"Oh Cole." I say softly.
"Your head is bleeding. Let me." He says taking the kit from me. He puts his hand on this side of my face and cleans the cut on my head.
"It's not too bad." I say.
"I know, but I'm so sorry." Cole says.
"It's ok." I whisper, his chest may be scared but he's still hot and he's sitting there shirtless. "Your lip is bleeding." I add wiping it off his lips.
"Oh fuck it." He says grading my face and kissing me. I know I shouldn't but I kiss him, I can't help it. I run my hands through his hair, I can feel the piercing under his lips in my face. He pulls the ends of my hair lightly. It's odd but I like it. God what am I doing? My phone rings and he stops kissing me.
"You should get that." He says.
"Hello?" I ask answering the phone.
"Allie the hell are you!" My mom yells.
"Oh god, sorry mom. I know I said I'd be home by now, I lost track of time at Cole's." I tell her.
"Just get home." She says.
"Yeah, sorry again." I say hanging up.
"Everything ok?" Cole asks, he has his shirt and jacket back on.
"I have to go my mom is mad. I don't think we should do that again, it was probably just the moment." I say getting up.
"Yeah your right. I'll walk you to your car." He says. We go quickly through the house to my car, we don't wanna run into Tom again.
"See you at school." I say getting in my car. I drive off not sure what just happened with Cole.

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