Chapter nine-the sweet before the sour

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I walk into the shop and go to the desk to buy a soda before work, Cole's working at the desk.
"Hey babe." I say putting the soda up to pay for for.
"Hey. Two dollars." He says. I pay and kiss him over the desk.
"Your gonna get me in trouble." He says.
"Sorry. I gotta go to work." I say walking out and to the car. The diner isn't far so I get there on time.
"Table waiting." Becca one of the waitresses says.
"Thanks Becca." I say walking over to the table. It's Zoe again. Fuck.
"Welcome to the summer days diner-" I start but the rude little bitch cuts me off.
"Orange juice." She says.
"Coming right up." I say threw gritted teeth. I walk back and get the juice angrily.
"Everything ok?" Becca asks me.
"No. Zoe always sits in my section." I say.
"Our section. I can take her you know." She offers. I keep forgetting Becca works in my section now, she started here a week after me.
"You tried that remember. She just asked for me, she does it to piss me off." I tell her.
"True." She says. I make a face to mock Zoe, which makes Becca laugh then I go back to the table with Zoe's drink.
"Here you go Zoe." I say.
"There's no pulp." She says.
"It's not freshly squeezed." I tell her.
"We'll go make me freshly squeezed." She says. Unfortunately for me, we also make that.
"Sure." I say taking the glass and going to get her a new one.
"Didn't you just take that out." Becca asks.
"She wants freshly squeezed." I say annoyed.
"Your joking." She says.
"No I'm not. I don't get payed enough for this." I say rolling my eyes.
"Tell me about it." She says. I squeeze the juice and take it to Zoe.
"That's better." She says when she gets it.
"Any food for that?" I ask.
"No." She says. I nod and walk away. It was a busy day and a few hours I'm on my brake in the back room with Becca.
"Lucky Heather." She says.
"Yeah, she gets off on the one day Zoe is the most bitchy." I say eating my food.
"Right. Lucky bitch." Becca says laughing. I laugh too I'm really happy to have them as friends.
"Break ends soon we better gives these to the dish boy." I say getting up. I have another hour of my shift then I can go.
I'm laying in bed with Cole at his house. His mom is pasted out and Tom is still out. It's my birthday but I didn't tell him, I hate making a big deal over it because of Sarah I don't think I mentioned what she would do for me.
"So, Heather told me it was your birthday." He says. Damn it.
"Uh yeah." I say.
"Why didn't you tell me? I feel like the worst boyfriend ever for not knowing my girlfriends eighteenth birthday." He tells me.
"I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it." I say.
"Why not?" He asks.
"Well I didn't mention it to Heather but I didn't want to say anything because on my birthday Sarah would always come into my room singing and dancing. She'd make me a cake all by herself and she'd put chocolate chips on the edges. Then she'd take me out to a scary movie and then we'd go dancing." I say starting to cry.
"Hey, it's ok baby. It's ok." Cole says hugging me then he kisses my softly.
"Thank you." I say.
"I'll be right back." He says getting out of bed. He comes back a few minutes later with a cake that has chocolate chips on the edges. He puts it on the desk by the door.
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear Alison. Happy birthday to you!" He sings dancing around the room. I laugh and cry at the same time. I get up and run over to him and kiss him.
"Cole. I don't know what to say." I choke out through tears.
"I know I didn't make the cake and I just added the chocolate chips but uh I hope it helps." He says. I hug him and kiss him again.
"I love you so much baby." I tell him kissing him again.
"I love you too, and hey I looked up the movies that are playing and there's no scary ones but I have the conjuring." He tells me.
"That sounds great." I tell him.
"Good." He says.
"You know what could also be fun." I say pulling at his jacket.
"You don't want cake first?" He asks.
"We can have cake after." I say pulling him back into the bed. He laughs but goes with it.
I hide my face in Cole's jacket, we're watching the movie and it's actually scary.
"Turn it off." I tell him, he does but he laughs at me.
"We can go dancing if you want." He says.
"Cole, I love you so much but you can't dance." I say.
"I know. But I want to you to have fun, I know you loved your birthday with your sister." He says softly.
"Yeah I loved my birthday then and I love Sarah even if she's gone. I will always remember the last day with her even though it was also one of the worst of my life, hell I never opened the bag of chips she brought me that day. As bad as losing her was and I know I'll never forget it I finitely forever her and understand that she didn't feel loved and needed. Yeah I'll miss my birthday with her but I love you and I can make new birthday memories with you and Heather." I tell him.
"So I didn't have to do that dance?" He asks. I laugh.
"No that was funny, your doing that every year." I tell him.
"No way, not gonna happen Allie." He says laughing. I crawl on the bed so I'm over him, the ends of my hair touch his face.
"Oh really?" I say softly.
"Really." He says. I go closer to him so that our noises almost touch. The way I am and with he top I'm wearing, he can probably see down the top.
"Please." I whisper. He swallows nervously. Got him.
"Oh god." He says lightly.
"Say it." I tell him.
"N-never." He says but his voice is shaky. I smirk and pin his arms down lightly. I kiss him on the lips and move to his jaw line, then his neck.
"Say it." I whisper again looking him in the eye.
"No." He tells me, he's braking slowly. He's so stubborn. I pull his shirt off over his head, and kiss down his chest. He lets out a sigh.
"Will you say it now?" I ask him.
"Maybe." He tases me. I kiss him and move my one hand slowly down his chest. I lower myself so I'm on him with my legs on the side of his. I move back and forth lightly when I kiss him. With my hands no longer on his he reaches up and grade his head board. He's breathing heavily and so am I. I kiss down his body, the lower I go the heavier his breathing gets. After a bit of that I go back up and look him in the eye.
"Give in yet?" I ask. He flips so that he's on top of me, he pins my arms to the side of my head with his hands.
"Yes. Hell I dress as a clown and juggling if want." He says. I smile and he kisses me, and slowly moves to my neck. He takes my top off and kisses down my chest like I did with him. We're wrapped up in the sheets now. He lets go of my arms so he can move down better. I let out a sigh and grad his head board. He comes back up after a moment, and kisses my neck again.
"God I love you." I tell him.
"I love you too." He says back. Then we stop talking and get completely lost in one another.
Cole drove me home so now I'm sitting on my couch getting a lecture on how I'm late.
"I know you love him and your very happy. And that's great, but you need to be home on time." My mom says.
"I know I'm sorry." I tell her.
"I don't wanna be the bad guy Allie. Just be home home on time. If Cole is driving you make sure he knows." She tells me.
"Ok I will. I'm sorry." I say again.
"I know." She says.
"Can I go up now. I'm really tired." I ask.
"Yeah." My mom says, so I go up and to bed.
The alarm goes off too soon, and I have to get up now. I just roll over and get ready, and out to the car. The school seems to look extra like hell today.
"How was your birthday with Cole?" Heather asks running up to me.
"Really good. It was fun." I tell her.
"Like fun fun?" She asks smirking.
"Heather!" I yell and she laughs.
"I guess I have my answer." She says, I blush.
"Could you stop pointing that out ever time." I say.
"If you makes you feel any better, me and Kyle did the same thing on his birthday and mine." She tells me.
"Would Kyle like that you just told me that?" I ask jokingly.
"Oh please Allie. He's told all his friends." She says.
"Do guys do that?" I ask.
"Most do. Just like girls do. But don't worry I think Cole is too quit to say anything really." Heather informs me.
"Wait meaning he might say something?" I ask. I'm not like ashamed that I have sex with Cole I love him, I just don't everyone knowing our business.
"I mean if Kyle asks if you two have then he'll probably tell him yeah." Heather clarifies.
"Oh ok that's not so bad." I admit.
"You really don't like people in your business do you?" She asks opening the class room door.
"Heather your my bestie and I love you but no I don't." I tell her as we sit down. She just laughs. I notice after a few minutes of class that Cole isn't here, I hope Tom didn't do anything to him. I figure he'll probably come in late, he doesn't.
"Kyle! Hey Kyle!" I yell after him, school's over so he's in his car.
"Allie, where's the fire?" He jokes.
"Have you seen Cole today?" I ask.
"No, but he called me last period. He said he throw up this morning but he'll be back tomorrow." He tells me.
"Ok. Thank you." I say then I walk away to my car before he can ask any questions.
"Hey Siri, call Cole." I say to me phone as I pull out of the lot, I hit speaker.
"Calling Cole." My phone chimes. One ring, two-
"Hey Allie." He answers.
"Hey, Kyle said you throw up. How bad did he hurt you?" I ask, I knew right away that Cole lied to Kyle it was his go to.
"He came knocked me out for awhile, I probably have a concussion but it's ok." He tells me.
"No it's not. I'm coming right now." I say.
  "I'm actually at your house." He says.
"Really?" I ask not able to hide the shock in my voice.
"Yeah may or may not have gone through your window." He says.
"Wait so your in my room right now?" I ask.
"Is my mom home? Or dad?" I ask.
"No I don't think so." He says.
"Alright well I just pulled in the driveway, I'm coming." I tell him hanging up. I walk in and Cole was right my parents aren't home. The note from my mom says she'll be back in an hour and my dad is in a business trip. I walk up to my room and Cole is standing there.
"Allie." He says in a low voice, I can see pain on his face.
"Come here babe." I tell him with my arms open. He comes over so I can hug him. He holds me close and I can tell he needs it.
"I'm gonna lie down." He says moving to my bed.
"Maybe I should take you to the hospital." I say, I'm worried about his head.
"No. That causes trouble." He tells me.
"Cole. I'm worried about your head." I say lightly touching it.
"I'll be fine. I just need to take it easy." He tells me, taking my hand.
"Cole-" I start but he gets up and walks over to my book case.
"God Allie." He snaps. I take a breath and walk over to him, I can tell he's hurt and having a rough time. I put my arms around his neck and look at him.
"I love you. And I know it sucks, but we're gonna be in college soon. Away from here" I tell him.
" Where did you wanna go?" He asks.
"You know I wanna be a dancer." I say.
"I know you've done it since you were three. But want school?" He asks.
"I applied to Julliard." I tell him.
"Right..New York.." He says.
"I know it's far. But I may not even get in. I can go to school near you." I remind him, I can't read his face anymore.
"Right." He says no expression on his face.
"Hey, I love you so much Cole." I tell him.
"Yeah, love you too." He says dryly. I put my hands on his face.
"I mean it. I love you." I say putting emphasis on the word love. He takes a breath.
"I know. I'm sorry, I'm just really tired and my head hurts. I think I'm gonna go home." He says.
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, but remember I'm working after school." I tell him, kissing him goodbye. He nods then he's gone and I read waiting for my mom to get home.

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