Flowing water

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Embarrassed out of my mind, I took my paintbrush and teleported to Waterfall. I always loved the beautiful waters, and echo flowers. I walk around for a bit, before seeing Error knitting an adorable bright blue scarf. I really do love him, don't I? I didn't want to scare him, so I watched him from a distance, staring at his fingers carefully and methodically glaze his strings and form a new row of string. He then suddenly stopped knitting and turned to me. I felt blush accumulate over my cheekbones, but I was surprised when he suddenly changed bone tone. After a second of looking, I realized.

                                                                             He was blushing

This was unlike Error, he never blushes. He looked like a pineapple that was a little too ripe. 

"You look like a pineapple," I said, knowing I, too was blushing. He covered his face with his scarf and turned around, looking flustered. Oh, that Error. I walk over and sit next to him. He flinches a bit as I sit down, but I don't mind. 

Error POV

When I'm knitting, I lose track of time, I zone out. I never know that I have been gone for hours, but when I come out of it, It startles me. I hear rustling in the grass and snap my head around. I don't know what I was expecting, but of all people, Ink was there. With her standing there, in the scenery, it must have been too much for me because "You look like a pineapple" My head shoots back a bit, and I cover my face with my scarf and turn around. It probably wasn't going to fool Ink, but I did it out of impulse. I despise my blush color. I guess that that stupid crush is going to follow me to my damn grave. "DoNt Be TaLkInG. YOu LoOk LiKe A bAg Of SkItTlEs." She sat down next to me and looked at the scenery around me. She didn't look very happy. I guess we all turn out the same. Forgotten, pushed away, despised. Ink probably was sad about something else, but that's what came to mind when I saw her sad. I've had a crush on Ink for a while now. How long? It's hard to tell. I've hidden it well when were fighting, but I don't know why only now I blush. I loved LOVE but hate love. I can't stand it. And yet here I am, blushing and hiding underneath my scarf. God, what have I become? I don't want to see what I am cause I can't stand it at all.  What I am is what I'm not. I need to get out of here. I need to escape from this feeling. 

                                                                 I NEED TO GET OUT

Inks POV

I look around the scenery. The Echo flowers, the luminescent grass, the lovely water, and Err- Oh crap! He crashed!!! What do I do? What do I do? Who would know what to do? Maybe Nightmare? Nightmare hangs out with Error a lot, but if I call him he'll hang up. It's probable. I stand and pick Error up as we teleport back to the Star sanses hideout. I don't know where Nightmare is, but Dream probably knows. We protrude out of the floor and I run to Dream, who is still talking to Blue. 

(( oh boy here we go))

Ink: "Guys!! Error crashed! I didn't know what to do so I came to you. Can you call Nightmare?!"

Dream: *Gives Ink a look* "Why should we help him? He attacks us."

Blue: "It would be the right thing to do, but still, I dunno Ink"

Ink: "Did you forget Cross? He attacked us, and It turned out he was good. And Dust too! Please just help me out!!" *Ink had started crying*

Dream: "Fine. I still don't trust him or Nightmare to be here." *Dream dials Nightmare*

Blue: "Sorry Ink. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Ink: "It's fine" *Ink sets Error down on the couch*

Dream: "Hey Night-

Nightmare over the Cellphone: "Nope. Nope Nope Nope. I'm sick of your crap Dream! Stop calling me!

Dream: "Its Error. He's crashed. We called you because we need your help. You don't want to lose another member, do you?"

Nightmare: "Fine, I'm coming," *Hangs up*

Dream: "He's on his way"

Ink: "I hope he comes fast"

Blue: "Do you know why he crashed?"

Ink: "No I was with him in Waterfall, and he started to mumble to himself about freeing himself from some sort of feeling."

Blue: "Strange"

Dream: "*Snickers* "I'm not so sure it's too strange"

(( end of the chapter.

(( Just wanted to thank you again for putting up with my crap writing :D

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